Submitted by Justin Fraase on

As outlined by President Schnoor at the Sept. 21, 2022 campus enrollment forums. Below are 20 items the Enrollment Management Council and campus will work to implement for fall 2023:

  1. Focus VP Fraase’s time to oversee comprehensive SEM Plan with EMC, ELT, and ExLT

  2. Pursue growth across all pathways:  special focus on (1) degree seeking & (2) UG DS/Residential

  3. Deploying data-informed, enhanced, targeted branding and marketing

  4. Website reconfigured to student recruiting/admissions focus by October 7th-15th (more EAB later)

  5. Redeployed admissions counselors/assigned regions – tracking metrics (App/Visit/Reg)

  6. Increasing emphasis in SF, ND, MN, etc. (greater population but lower yield)

  7. Implementing new WolfPACT scholarship model – including test optional – award on admittance

  8. Financial Aid:  Send award estimates mid-January

  9. Energize international recruitment:  dovetail planning/execution with VP Fraase

  10. Aggressive transfer recruitment:  assign focused personnel & award scholarships

  11. Revamp campus visits & HOWL based on EAB independent review

  12. Continue introducing new degree programs to meet regional/state demands

  13. Continually updating content of degrees/credentials

  14. Complete Academic program review (SEM)—demand/workforce needs/enrollment

  15. Start the Northern Academy (SDEAF-funded)

  16. NSUF:  increase stackable scholarships & fundraise for 32 Presidents Scholarships

  17. Academic Affairs determining implementation of a centralized advising model

  18. Adding new MS/HS summer camps & Our Dakota Dreams—all invaluable recruiting opp.

  19. Explore residence hall pricing competitiveness/incentives to increase occupancy

  20. Engage campus/unit leaders/directors in identifying efficiency/reduction recommendations