Computer Requirements
All full-time students are required to bring a laptop to campus. Northern recommends computers with extended warranties and the latest operating systems. iPads, Kindles, Chromebooks, and other Android devices are not recommended as primary devices for your coursework, as they cannot run required software for some classes.
Windows Laptops
Minimum Requirements
- Intel i5 Processor / AMD Ryzen 5
Recommended Requirements
- Intel i7 Processor / AMD Ryzen 7
- 16GB RAM
Apple Laptops
Recommended Requirements
- MacBook recommended
- M1 Processor
- 256GB SSD
We suggest purchasing at least a three-year warranty with Apple products.
Consider ordering Apple MacBooks, which are not upgradeable, at or above the recommended level to maximize longevity.
Device Support and Repair
Technology Services provides support for and repair of student computers unless currently under warranty. Students will be responsible for the cost of any hardware needed for repair. Common repairs include replacement of broken screens, keyboards, hard drives, or batteries. The department also provides limited support for iPads.
Northern participates in a managed print environment. Faculty and staff can find more information about managed printing services on faculty/staff myNSU.
For students, printing is available for a cost (charged to your Thunder Bucks account). Printers are in the library. Please visit the category titled Printing on the Knowledge Base for information on how to print.
SDSU students without myNSU access will find printing information at Papercut Student Printing.
Technology Services oversees digital telephony, currently available in Tech Center, Mewaldt-Jensen, Student Center, Graham Hall, Jewett Science Center, Lincoln Hall, Johnson Fine Arts Center, Krikac, Spafford and Williams Library.
Support for digital telephony is available on faculty/staff myNSU. Support for analog phones can be obtained by contacting Facilities Management or reviewing the user guide.
Wireless Network
NSU's entire campus is wireless, including all residence halls, the outside main quad area and the Seymour green space. Select the appropriate wireless SSID from the choices below:
- fac-staff: For use by NSU faculty and staff, using NSU-owned devices
- students-secure: Primary for student wireless devices and faculty and staff personal devices such as data phones. Users must register using their device browser
- nsuguest: Available for guests of NSU only. Access is granted for 24 hours and users must re-register upon expiration. This SSID should be used for student gaming and media devices.
- eduroam: Available for higher education users such as guest instructors or other university personnel. Eduroam is part of the Internet-2 program and is available on many higher education campuses throughout the U.S.