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I’d like to take a moment to update everyone on campus about the NSU Provost position. As the search for our new Provost continues and Dr. Joelle Lien continues to serve as Interim Provost, the duties of Associate Provost have been divided among three people on campus.

Dr. Erin Fouberg is serving as Interim Director of Curriculum Development. Her responsibilities include chairing the NSU Academic Affairs Committee; reviewing, revising and routing new proposals and proposals already in the pipeline; and overseeing day-to-day operations related to curriculum, including addressing system-wide coordination.

Dr. Josh Hagen is serving as Interim Assistant Provost and Interim Coordinator of Research. (Dr. Alyssa Kiesow is serving as CAS Interim Associate Dean as a result.) Hagen’s responsibilities include serving as Academic Affairs representative on the NSU Strategic Planning Committee; coordinating with the First-Year Seminar Committee; overseeing the Undergraduate Research Committee and Director; supervising the Office of Sponsored Projects; and serving on the SDBOR Research Affairs Council.

In addition, Dr. Hagen is heading up several special projects on behalf of the Office of the Provost, including review of academic affairs budgets and structures, and needs analysis for a Center for Teaching and Learning at NSU.     

Dr. Tim Woods is serving as Interim Director of Graduate Studies. His responsibilities include recruitment/admissions; overseeing graduate studies’ academic processes; and reviewing and routing graduate curriculum proposals.

I would like to thank each of these individuals for stepping into these important roles.

Northern’s Provost Search Committee is currently reviewing applications, and the position will be available in June. For more information or if you have questions regarding the search, please contact Susan Bostian, Associate Vice President of Finance and Administration.