Numerous resources are available to help you teach your course virtually. The first step is to ensure your D2L course is activated and students know that you will use this platform to continue class. In addition, please reach out to Instructional Design for any assistance with using D2L or other instructional technologies.
Use the checklist below to help prepare you to teach remotely.
- Create a plan for continuing your course online.
- Ensure your course is accessible to students.
- Communicate with your students via email and the D2L news widget. Inform them how the course will continue and what your expectations are.
- Check your email and update your D2L course (content, news widget, grades) frequently.
- Contact any of our instructional support staff at instructionaldesign@northern.edu for assistance or guidance.
- Jason Henslee: 605-626-3349 or book appointment online
- Danette Long: 605-626-3361 or book appointment online
Learn from Home
- Advising
- Advisors are available for virtual sessions using Zoom, email and phone calls. Please contact your professional advisor for assistance. If you have additional questions regarding advising or professional advisor assignments, please contact the Advising Center at advisingcenter@northern.edu.You can now register for summer 2020 classes on-campus and online. Self-Service Banner registration for fall 2020 and spring 2021 is open. Please check Banner for your registration time and contact your advisor for assistance.
- Campus Hours
Campus is closed to the public and most buildings are locked. The Student Center and Wolf Shoppe are open 7:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Monday-Friday and closed weekends. The post office is open from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Monday-Friday.
- Career Services
Career Services staff are working remotely, connecting with students using Zoom or phone for appointments and email for general questions. To schedule an appointment, use your Wolf Work account; or email careerservices@northern.edu or britt.lorenz@northern.edu.
The Aberdeen Area & NSU Employment Expo and Job Fair has been postponed. Candidates seeking summer employment, internships, and/or other professional positions may inquire directly with organizations. Employer details can be found HERE or on Wolf Work.
- Counseling Services
Counseling Services are available in person, by phone or Zoom (online). Please call 605-626-2371 to schedule an appointment.
Online discussion sessions are planned through the rest of the semester. Each session will be offered twice Thursdays - plan to join:
- Disability Services
Disability Services staff are working remotely. For assistance, email Doris Stusiak or nsudisabilityservice@northern.edu and provide a phone number where you can be reached.
Should you need any new or changing accommodations or have questions regarding accommodated testing due to the transition to online, please email using either address above.
- Health Services
The Health Services office on campus is closed. If you are experiencing any symptoms of the COVID-19 virus:
- A fever over 100 degrees F
- Cough
- Shortness of breath
- Have traveled to a high-risk destination in the last 30 days or been exposed to someone with COVID-19
Call Avera at 1-877-AT-AVERA (1-877-282-8372), or download the AveraNOW app (App Store, Google Play) to connect with a provider 24/7.
For all other health issues, please contact Aberdeen Family Physicians at 605-225-0378. When calling, please identify yourself as an NSU student. You can also contact your primary care provider.
- Library Resources
The NSU library's chat reference service is available during normal office hours, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday. To access library chat or read the full menu of library resources available, please visit Remote Library Access.
Students, faculty and staff who need more in-depth research consultations can schedule a time for a meeting with a librarian via Zoom. To request consultation, please email reference@northern.edu.
Phones will be forwarded to appropriate staff members; librarians will answer phone calls during normal office hours.
- All online databases are available to off-campus users.
- Thousands of electronic reference and general books are available full-text via the library.
- Interlibrary loan services are fully available. Due to continued closures and limited services of lending libraries, your item(s)may take longer than usual.
- Interlibrary loan of journal articles will continue.
- Librarians will work with users to renew borrowed materials and ensure items checked out from the NSU library are renewed and not accruing any fees.
- Archival items will only be available from the NSU library’s digital collections.
- Residence Halls and Dining Services
Residence halls remain operational for students who depend on campus housing.
All dining services and locations are closed through the end of June. Reopening dates will be announced.
- Supplemental Instruction
Supplemental instruction will continue at NSU via Zoom. Faculty already using SI in their courses will need to provide a Zoom link in D2L for dates and times of regularly scheduled SI sessions. At the regularly scheduled times, the SI leader and participating students can enter the virtual classroom to participate in the SI session. To access Zoom, go to https://northern.zoom.us/. Students using Zoom for class sessions and other school related purposes should be aware of Zoom Conduct Guidelines.
- Technology
Students needing technical assistance should contact Tech Support Services at 605-626-2283 or help@northern.edu.
Campus computer labs remain available to students should you need access. Please use health precautions outlined in previous messages when utilizing campus facilities.
Locations include:
- Technology Center 13: Card swipe access for all students, Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.–6 p.m.
- Spafford Hall Graphics Lab: Card swipe access for graphics students, Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.–6 p.m.
- Beulah Williams Library (beginning March 23): Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.–6 p.m.
If you do not have access to a computer or the Internet, please email access@northern.edu for direct help. Many providers are supporting the Federal Communications Commission's Keep Americans Connected Pledge.
Students using Zoom for class sessions and other school related purposes should be aware of Zoom Conduct Guidelines.
- Tech Support by Appointment
Tech Services will assist you at the Support Desk window by appointment only.
To book an appointment with Tech Services:- Visit Support Desk Bookings
- If prompted, log in with your NSU credentials
- Select the service you require and a convenient day/time
- Add your name, email, and a short description of the issue you wish to meet about
- Click "Book" to submit your request
The exterior Tech Center doors and interior doors to the Support Desk area are locked. When your appointment time nears, a Tech Services team member will meet you at the north entrance. We will be wearing masks and ask that you do as well.
- Tutoring
Tech Services will assist you at the Support Desk window by appointment only.
To book an appointment with Tech Services:- Visit Support Desk Bookings
- If prompted, log in with your NSU credentials
- Select the service you require and a convenient day/time
- Add your name, email, and a short description of the issue you wish to meet about
- Click "Book" to submit your request
The exterior Tech Center doors and interior doors to the Support Desk area are locked. When your appointment time nears, a Tech Services team member will meet you at the north entrance. We will be wearing masks and ask that you do as well.
Work from Home
- Getting Started
- Work with your supervisor to ensure you are approved to work remotely. If you do not have requisite equipment or connectivity, you must let your supervisor know.
- Your supervisor must submit approval to Technology Services.
- Register for Self-Service Password Reset (allows you to reset password off campus)
- Computers
- Staff do not need to request a laptop, as Technology Services maintains an inventory of those staff who may need one to work remotely. Laptops will be provided at the time an employee must work from home.
- Supervisors must notify Technology Services of the requirement for a laptop.
- If your computer needs repairs, make an appointment with Technology Services at https://support.northern.edu or help@northern.edu.
- Phones
You can transfer your work phone directly to your home phone. Otherwise, you should change your voicemail to indicate that you are working remotely and that callers should email or leave voicemail.
- Collaboration Tools
- Plan communication strategies with co-workers and test them
- Familiarize yourself with collaboration tools (NSU logon required): Zoom Web Conferencing, Microsoft O365
- VPN (Remote Access)
If you need access to the systems below, request access to VPN and learn how to use it.
- Systems requiring VPN: Network drives (F: and H: drives), ImageNow, Banner Finance, Banner Admin, Cognos
- You will not need VPN if you use these systems: D2L, Starfish, Banner Self-Service, SNAP (timecards, sdezbuy), myNSU, Email, Panopto, Zoom
- NSU Virtual Private Network (VPN) Instructions
- Remote Work Guidelines
- Find an area where you will have minimal distractions
- Set a schedule. Get up at a regular time; take lunch at a regular time; wrap up when the work day is complete and your tasks are finished.
- Don't sit in one position for more than 30 minutes. At the very least, stand up and stretch or walk around the room. Eyestrain is a thing.
- Let your counterparts and colleagues know when you are "leaving" for lunch and when you are back.
- Stay plugged in to your group. It is easy to get immersed in a project and forget to check in or respond.
- Never underestimate the value of talking on the phone to someone. It may be old fashioned, but one 10-minute phone call can easily replace 30 minutes of text chat.
- Teleconferencing
Teleconference Dos and Don'ts
- Mute your microphone unless you are actively talking
- "Mute" or disable video if not absolutely needed (bandwidth reduction)
- Assume you are always on camera and that you are always audible (even if you think you're muted or video-disabled)
- Avoid side conversations if you are physically next to someone. Cross-talk is especially annoying and distracting to remote participants.
- Be careful not to talk over others. Politely wait your turn, and if you are talking for more than a minute at a stretch, pause to let others ask questions.
- Avoid tapping pencils, moving papers around, rattling ice, setting coffee cups down on table-tops, tapping on keyboards, and other seemingly innocuous sounds. They are unbelievably loud and annoying to others on the call.
- If conducting a video teleconference, warn your family members not to wander through; some home attire may not be safe for work.
- Make notes on what you want to say before the conference starts. Take notes on action items during the conference whenever you are asked to work on something. Don't ramble; be succinct. If it is a question that can be addressed offline, then do that.