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Lisa Anderson

Lisa Anderson
Senior Secretary
MeWaldt-Jensen 137
- 605-626-2400
Lisa graduated from Northern State with a double major in Marketing & Management.
She has been with the School of Business since August 2024.
Kristi Bockorny

Kristi Bockorny
Dacotah Bank Dean of the School of Business
MeWaldt-Jensen 138
- 605-626-2402
Ph.D., Human Capital Management, Bellevue University, Bellevue, Neb.
Master's, Management, Bellevue University, Bellevue, Neb.
Bachelor's, Finance, Northern State University
Bachelor's, Business Education, Northern State University
Dr. Kristi Bockorny joined Northern's faculty in the spring of 2010. In 2020, Dr. Bockorny assumed the role of Honors Program director in addition to her teaching duties.
Research Interests
Psychological capital
Employee motivation and engagement
Training and development
Workforce recruitment and selection
Book Chapters
Youssef-Morgan, C.M., Ahrens, B., Bockorny, K., Craig, L., & Peters, M. (2019). Applications of psychological capital in the public sector. In R. Burke & S. Pignata (Eds.), Handbook of research on stress and well-being in the public sector. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar.
Youssef-Morgan, C.M., & Bockorny, K. (2014). Engagement in the context of positive psychology. In. C. Truss, R. Delbridge, K. Alfes, A. Shantz, & E. Soane, (Eds.), Employee engagement in theory and practice (pp. 36-56). London: Routledge.
Journal Publications
Bockorny, K.M. & Villegas, S.G. (2021). Operating when there are no rules: An HRM dilemma in changing guidelines. Journal of Critical Incidents, 14(1), 68-70.
Bockorny, K.M. & Walters, H.D. (2021). The Relevance of a Liberal Arts Education to Business School Graduates: An Assessment of Alumni. The Transnational Journal of Business, 6, 38-50.
Bockorny, K. & Youssef-Morgan, C.M. (2019). Entrepreneurs’ courage, psychological capital, and life satisfaction. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 789.
Klipfel, J.A.L., Barclay, A.C., Bockorny, K.M. (2014). Self-congruity: A determinant of brand personality. Journal of Marketing Development and Competitiveness, 8(3).
Walters, H.D. & Bockorny, K.M. (2018). Relevance of general education: An assessment of undergraduate business students. E-Journal Business Education & Scholarship of Teaching, 12(3).
Villegas, S.G., & Bockorny, K.M. (2020). Hiring Ethics: A Case of Undue Influence in Employee Selection. Journal of Business Ethics Education. 17(1), 285-290. https://doi.org/10.5840/jbee20201719
Grants, Honors, and Certifications
Sanford Faculty Professional Development Award 2022
HyFlex Teaching Certification 2022
Foundation Faculty Excellence Award 2021
CETL Pedagogy Grant 2021
Nora Staael Evert Award 2019
Advisor of the Year (PBL/Business Club) 2018
Management & Organizational Behavior Teaching Society 2018
Early Educator Institute
Academy of Management 2014
Entrepreneurship Doctoral Consortium
Amber Henderson

Amber Henderson
Associate Professor of Marketing/Management
MeWaldt-Jensen 131
- 605-626-3002
Doctorate in Business Administration (D.B.A.), Management, Anderson University
Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.), University of Mary
Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration, Economics emphasis, University of Jamestown
Dr. Amber Henderson joined Northern in the fall of 2015.
Research Interests
Cross-cultural Leadership
Organizational Commitment
Group Decision-making
Dr. Henderson is an honored member of the eighth cohort of Native Governance Center’s Native Nations Rebuilders. Other accomplishments include the 2021 NSU Sanford Faculty Professional Development Award, National Center for American Indian Enterprise Development’s 40 Under 40 Award (2018), Salzburg’s Global Forum Young Cultural Innovator Fellow, and Harvard’s Project on American Indian Economic Development Next Horizon Fellow.
She also serves as an advisor for NSU’s Phi Beta Lambda organization, and was advisor of the year in 2018.
Lindsey Huber
Lindsey Huber
Instructor of Management Information Systems
MeWaldt-Jensen 133
- 605-626-7710
Master of Science in E-learning Technology and Administration, Northern State University
Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education, Northern State University
Teaching Technology Endorsement, Northern State University
Ms. Lindsey Huber joined Northern's faculty in 2017. From 2008 to 2017 she worked for Northern's Technology Services as Help Desk manager and instructional design specialist while adjunct teaching for the School of Business. She is a proud Northern alum.
Courses Taught
BADM 244 – Business Communications
MIS 205 – Advanced Computer Applications
CSC 273 – Computer Math with Excel
MIS 385 – Data Mining
MIS 480 – Business Intelligence
MIS 485 – Database Management
Faculty mentor in the Rising Scholar program
NSU Foundation – Northern Night Committee
NSU Foundation Northern Alumni Association
Women’s Business Conference Committee
NSU Campus Preservation Committee
BIO Girls
Keun Lee
Keun Lee
Professor of Economics
MeWaldt-Jensen 128
- 605-626-2576
Ph.D. in Economics, concentration in Macroeconomics and International Finance, Columbia University
B.A. in Economics, University of California, Berkeley
Dr. Lee joined Nothern State University in fall of 2001 and is an economics faculty member.
Research Interests
His research interests include macroeconomics economies, international trade, and the international monetary system. He has published articles in peer-reviewed journals and authored "Keynes’s Economics: Common Sense," to be published soon.
Dr. Lee has received grants from organizations including the state of South Dakota, the Bush Foundation, and Nora Staael Evert Foundation.
He is affiliated with the American Economic Association, Western Economic Association International, International Economics and Finance Society, and National Business and Economics Society. He also has served on the boards of directors for several professional organizations, including the Midwestern Business and Economics Association.
Eman Momeni

Eman Momeni
Assistant Professor of Accounting
MeWaldt-Jensen 236
- 605-626-7722
Ph.D., Accounting, 2017, University of Isfahan, Iran
Master’s, Accounting, 2011, California State University, Fullerton
Dr. Eman Momeni joined Northern in August 2020. He previously worked in the public accounting and auditing field for three years in California. Dr. Momeni has more than six years of worldwide professional accounting experience as controller, cost accounting manager, and financial advisor. His Ph.D. research emphasis was "Convergence Effects of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) on Emerging Markets." California State University, Fullerton, from which he earned a master's degree, is a double AACSB-accredited business school in Southern California.
Academic Awards
Sanford Faculty Development Award, Northern State University, 2022
Becker Professional Education Award, California State University, Fullerton, 2010
Courses Taught
Accounting Principles
Advanced Accounting
Cost and Managerial Accounting
Accounting Theory
Forensic Accounting
International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)
Research Interests
Convergence effects of international standard setting in accounting
Value relevance and information content of accounting data, and presentation of financial statements
Forensic accounting education
Emerging markets
Rahrovi, A., Foroghi, D., & Momeni, E. “The Prospect Theory and Managements' Fraud Incentives in Financial Reporting: A Literature Review”. Journal of Forensic and Investigative Accounting (nacva.com). Corresponding author, Accepted in May 2024. Awaiting DOI.
Rahrovi, A., & Momeni, E.“The Impact of Emerging Market’s Microstructure Legislations on Market Efficiency: Evidence from Iran”. Afro-Asian Journal of Accounting and Finance. Corresponding author. Accepted in August 2023, DOI: 10.1504/AAJFA.2023.10063816
Momeni, E., Foroughi, D., & Amiri, H. (2019). “The comparison of value relevance of assets reporting in traditional and restructured balance sheet based on IASB and FASB exposure draft”. Journal of Empirical Research in Accounting, 8(2), 51–70.
Momeni, E., Foroughi, D., & Amiri, H. (2017). “The study of value relevance of disaggregated profitability based on the new framework of financial statements proposed by IASB & FASB, for Tehran Stock Exchange companies”. Journal of Accounting and Auditing Research, 9(33), 24–41.
Conference Presentations
Momeni, E., Behnampour, M. (2024). “A study of Current Modular Contents and Teaching Techniques in Fraud & Forensic Accounting Education, Academicians’ Perspective.” 6th International Conference on Advanced Research in Management, Economics, and Accounting, Prague, Czech Republic. Presenter & Corresponding author.
Rahrovi, A., Foroghi, D., & Momeni, E. (2022). The Prospect Theory and Managements' Fraud Incentives in Financial Reporting: A Literature Review. International Conference on Accounting and Finance, Denver, United States. Co-author and Presenter. Conference Proceeding ISBN: 978-93-90150-32-8
Momeni, E. “Review of Restructured Financial Statement Value relevance based on IASB & FASB ED”, Conference of Accounting and Financial Management, 11 Dec. 2016, Isfahan, Iran.
Momeni, E., Alali, F. “Modeling perspective: Effects of Professional Liability Insurance on Audit Quality”, University of Isfahan Seminar of Accounting and Financial Management, 19 Dec. 2012.
Momeni, E., Foroughi, D. “The Effect of Restructuring Financial Statements on Iranian Financial Reporting”, Research Project for Iranian Accounting Standard Board, 2017.
In Progress Research
“Audit Report Lag and its Contemporary Issues: A Comparative Literature Review”. writing and Submission stage.
“A study of Current Modular Contents and Teaching Techniques in Fraud & Forensic Accounting Education, Academicians’ Perspective.” writing and Submission stage.
The effect of earning co-movement on the reaction coefficient of unexpected profits releases of the companies, under uncertain condition.” Proposal and Data analysis stage.
Candi Olson

Candi Olson
Instructor of Accounting
MeWaldt-Jensen 135
- 605-626-7693
Master of Business Taxation (M.B.T.) University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN
Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Accounting, Northern State University, Aberdeen, SD
Candi Olson has been a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) since 1996. She joined Northern in 2017 as a full-time accounting instructor in the School of Business. Olson’s professional career has spanned more than 20 years in public accounting and industry environments.
While in public accounting, she assisted clients with a variety of tax matters at Deloitte in Minneapolis. After leaving public accounting, she worked in corporate settings including 10 years at Target Corporation, where she managed a team that handled all aspects of multistate corporate income tax planning, reporting, compliance, and controversy.
Courses Taught
Principles of Accounting I and II
Intermediate Accounting I and II
Income Tax
Advanced Income Tax
Professional Ethics for Accountants
Instructor of Management Information Systems, Director of Business Internships
- 605-626-2304
Scott Peterson
Scott Peterson
Instructor of Management Information Systems, Director of Business Internships
MeWaldt-Jensen 232
- 605-626-2304
Courses Taught
Computer Science
Web Programming
Networks and Telecommunications
Information Security
Research interests
Information and network security
Blockchain governance
John Peterson

John Peterson
Associate Professor of Finance
MeWaldt-Jensen 129
- 605-626-2434
Doctor of Philosophy, Finance, 1996, University of Kansas
Master's, International Economics, 1988, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Bachelor's, General Economics, 1986, South Dakota State University
John E. Peterson joined Northern's faculty in fall 1992.