EndNote is a software tool used for publishing and managing bibliographic data. Use EndNote to organize, reuse and share your references and citations. Versions of EndNote for Apple or Windows can be downloaded to your personal computer from the links below. EndNote Web is the online version of EndNote. You can access your citation and reference information on any computer with internet access. EndNote Web is a great choice if you are not an advanced user or are just getting started with citation management tools. You don't have to download EndNote to use EndNote Web.
EndNote Web
Click HERE to create an EndNote Web account or access a current EndNote Web account.
  • Assistance and tutorials for EndNote Web: Log in to your EndNote Web account. Click on the "Help" link in the far upper right hand corner of the page.
To download EndNote, you will be prompted to log in. Enter the same nsu\username and password that you use for your NSU email account. You must be an NSU student, staff or faculty member to download EndNote.
Please review our EndNote Web/ EndNote Guide. It contains useful tips for working with EndNote Web and downloading the EndNote software.


After Downloading:

1. When you open EndNote for the first time select Help on the top bar

2. From the Help menu choose EndNote Program Updates...

3. Follow the Update Wizard

4. NOTE: Check periodically for updates