Offering the chance for guaranteed admission to the University of South Dakota Knudson School of Law!

Northern State University Honors Program and USD Knudson School of Law Honors Law Opportunity Program (HLOP) is a competitive scholarship opportunity open to NSU Honors students from any major.

HLOP offers guaranteed admission for five Northern State University Honors Program students to the University of South Dakota (USD) Knudson School of Law.

Successful applicants will have:

  • Graduated In Honoribus within five years of initial, full-time enrollment at NSU
  • Completed an application to the USD Knudson School of Law. USD will waive the application fee for the law school portion of the application. 
  • Completed the Law School Admission Test (LSAT) by April 1 of the year you plan to start law school.  LSAT scores are for statistical and scholarship purposes and will not be considered in your application. Register for the LSAT


Apply today



Student Testimonials

Photo of Mayson Sheldon

Mayson Sheldon

"The Honors Law Opportunity Program has impacted my law school experience in multiple ways. The abilities I gained through working on my Honors thesis aided me immensely during my first year at USD Law. The thesis process required a great amount of research, reading, and writing, which are many of the skills necessary to succeed during the first year of law school."

Photo of Alex Arndt

Alex Arndt

"Participating in the HLOP program impacted my interest in law school greatly. Receiving the scholarship and knowing I for sure had a school to attend in the fall made my dream so much more concrete. I had aid, I had confidence, I had an actual, attainable plan for my future. Getting my JD is something I wanted for so long and it was incredibly gratifying knowing I had just taken the first step on my journey to receiving it."

Contact Us

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For more information, please contact Dr. Hannah Walters.

Phone: 605-626-7721