
Micro-credentials are a learn-at-your-own-pace, non-credit bearing form of certification in a particular narrow topic of study. They follow a "learn-by-doing" model. Micro-credentials should seek to enhance, not copy, currently offered for-credit courses at Northern.

Digital badges are the digital artifact that a learner earns upon completion. They contain metadata embedded in the artifact that, when shared on LinkedIn or other social media, identify the earner to recruiters and employers seeking these skills.

For more information on micro-credentials and their purpose, read the National Education Assocation article Micro-Credentials


Course description

What are the students learning and what are the metrics by which that is measured? The purpose of Northern's micro-credential badging system is to drive enrollment and engagement for Northern students; therefore, each micro-credential should seek to deliver unique and, ideally, interdisciplinary content that may drive earners to other for-credit offerings at Northern.



You are the expert. What do students need to know (that is not currently offered at Northern) to gain confidence and ensure success? How is this knowledge transferrable or reusable across other disciplines or fields of study?



  • Drive enrollment, engagement and Return on Investment (ROI) by bringing real-world skills to Northern students
  • Drive enrollment by offering unique, disparate learning opportunities that are not offered elsewhere
  • Drive engagement by giving current students the chance to learn skills that will help them succeed at Northern and in the marketplace
  • Drive ROI by retention of engaged students and trust within the local business community



Up to $3,000