• ABERDEEN, S.D. – Northern State University is now offering an online Spanish-International Business dual-degree option.

    Both the International Business and Spanish degrees are already offered online. Now, they have been re-worked into a dual-degree… more

  • ABERDEEN, S.D. – The Northern State University School of Fine Arts will hold its annual Faculty Showcase Recital on Thursday, Sept. 16.

    The showcase will be held in the Johnson Fine Arts Center Harvey and Cynthia Jewett Theater, beginning at 7:30 p.m. and featuring an array of solo and chamber performances by the talented NSU music faculty.

    “This recital is always something the music faculty looks forward to,” said Dr. Kenneth Boulton, dean of the School of Fine Arts. “It also represents the official opening event of our exciting 2021-22 season.”… more

  • ABERDEEN, S.D. – This fall, a new Center for Public History and Civic Engagement has opened on the campus of Northern State University.

    Located within NSU Williams Library, the Center encourages public interaction with history and history education while promoting greater civic knowledge of an active citizenry through programming, research and archival preservation.

    The Center also promotes the importance of historical and civic knowledge as the foundation for a sound… more

  • ABERDEEN, S.D. – This summer, Hanneke Oosterwegel achieved something most people only dream about: She represented her country at the Olympics.

    Oosterwegel, a Northern State University Track and Field alumna, was a member of the 4x400 relay team for the Netherlands.

    Now, she said she still needs time to truly let the experience… more

  • Photo credit: Sanford Health Marketing

    ABERDEEN, S.D. – Northern State University student Connor Doran is working on research this summer that could make a difference in the lives of people living with progressive kidney disease.

    Doran, a biology major from Redding, Calif., is a summer intern at the Chandrasekar Lab through the Sanford Program for Undergraduate Research.… more

  • ABERDEEN, S.D. – Northern State University Honors Program students have been working on their undergraduate research projects this summer in the Jewett Regional Science Education Center.

    Olivia Rud, a senior from Madison, is researching materials that have the potential to prevent biofilm growth, in particular staph and MRSA, on medical equipment. She got the idea after taking an EMT course last spring taught by Aberdeen Fire and Rescue.

    Laurie Rogers, a junior pre-dental major from Aberdeen, is looking at oral bacteria and comparing fluoride with various… more

  • ABERDEEN, S.D. – Olivia Becker and Kristen Calderon know a lot more about mosquitoes than the average college student.

    That’s because for the past two summers, the Northern State University students have participated in Northern’s mosquito surveillance project, a grant-funded partnership with the South Dakota Department of Health.

    This is the ninth summer that the university has collaborated with SDDOH on the project, aimed at identifying and testing mosquitoes that can carry West Nile virus, said NSU Associate Professor of Biochemistry Dr. Jon Mitchell.… more

  • ABERDEEN, S.D. – Huron Community Campus will hold student orientation on Monday, Aug. 23, from 3 to 6:30 p.m.

    New and returning students will be able to visit with NSU Admissions, Academic Advising, Disability Services and Tech Services.

    All HCC students are strongly recommended to attend this event at the Huron campus, located at 939 Ohio Ave. S.W. New students are encouraged to apply before Aug. 23, and can complete their applications at

    Huron… more

  • ABERDEEN, S.D. – The Northern State University Involvement Fair will take place 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 1, on the Campus Green.

    The event, open to the campus community, invites all NSU recognized student organizations, Aberdeen area employers, organizations and nonprofits to join to promote their services and opportunities to NSU students.

    Students can learn more about which organizations will be at the Involvement Fair on Wolf Work. Organizations may register online at… more

  • ABERDEEN, S.D. – Northern State University has received grant funding from 3M that will provide two $5,000 STEM scholarships to Native American students.

    The funding, which comes from the STEM or Skilled Trades Equity program, will help the university recruit more Native American students into its science programs – an underrepresented population in STEM fields.

    The new 3M-funded scholarships are the most recent opportunity available to Native American students attending Northern. Other available scholarships include:

    • South Dakota Crazy… more