Jaron Gross smiling and standing in front the campus green
Student Star


Hillman, MN


Year in School:




K-12 Music Education


Activities involved in:

Choir, Band, and Theatre


My favorite thing about NSU is...

My relationships with my professors. Being able to work so closely with the faculty here has been amazing and the most beneficial part of my education. All the professors that I have here at Northern are so invested in my individual success, and they all make an effort to help me in any way possible.


Other people would describe me as...

High-energy. I'm always on the move, going between rehearsals, work, and classes. My schedule is completely booked, but I wouldn't have it any other way.


Why did you choose Northern?

If you want my Dr. Woods story again, I'll give it to you.


Tell me about a cool opportunity you've had at NSU:

Every year, the Chamber Singers perform in Hoven for Christmas on the Prairie, a gorgeous Christmas program performed alongside the South Dakota Symphony Orchestra. Being able to sing in a massive cathedral alongside the premiere musical group in the state is an opportunity that I look forward to and brag about to my friends and family every year.


My best piece of advice for students considering NSU is...

Reach out to professors in your academic area! They would love to get to know you and would be more than willing to help you get the information you need to be successful. Building those connections early will help you find your footing and set you up for amazing things when you get here.


Tell me a story about your favorite on-campus activity:

I am in Northern's Marching Band, and it's the ensemble I look forward to the most every year. Being a part of the atmosphere at Dacotah Bank Stadium is something I am greatly proud of, and performing our field show for the crowd is always a blast. We march parades as well, and there's a part in our routine where the whole band stops to dance the Cupid Shuffle. There are always kids joining us on the sides of the road, and seeing them have so much fun always makes me enjoy our performances that much more.