Hometown: Pierz, Minnesota
Year: Senior
Major: K-12 Music Education, Instrumental and Vocal
Involved in: Band, Marching Band (Drum Major), Choir, Trio McNair, Student Admissions Representative
Northern’s outstanding and innovative professors are committed to experiential learning and engaging you academically. Please share an example of this:
Dr. Woods is definitely the professor who has guided me the most throughout my time at Northern. Before he ever knew me, he made an effort to help me find my place and succeed at NSU and has helped me to do more along the way. I would not be where I am today without him.
New and renovated campus facilities are world-class and inspire you to create. What is your favorite campus facility?
My favorite building on campus is the Johnson Fine Arts Center, and my favorite room is the Jewett Auditorium. A recently renovated performance space makes all of my concerts and recitals feel that much more special, and I look forward to it every time!
Northern’s welcoming and safe campus community, student organizations, teams, clubs and programs give you ample opportunities to find your people. Please share a fun story about what you are involved in and how it has impacted your experience positively:
The NSU Marching Wolves travel to several nursing homes in the area and perform our music for the residents. Seeing the smiles on their faces is always a highlight of my year. One time, a resident even yelled out, "Lock the gates and don't let them leave!"
Starting with the scholars walk at convocation to the faculty cheering tunnel at graduation, your Northern Experience is marked with memorable milestones and traditions. What is a milestone highlight in your experience?
For music majors, the most important milestone is our senior recital. We hold a recital in a concert hall, and all our classmates, friends, and family attend to see us put on a show encapsulating all that we've learned here at Northern. Mine is in the fall, November 10th!
Explore your interests with a campus community who takes the time to get to know you and connect you to new adventures. Please share an example of your experience:
I had an acquaintance who was involved in the Trio McNair program, which helps first-generation college students attend Graduate School. Through a friendly conversation, they realized I would qualify and be interested in the program, and it opened doors for me that I never thought possible!
Your college education is more affordable through stackable financial aid and generous scholarships funded by Northern’s network of alumni and supporters. Please share an example of your experience:
Northern's generous financial aid made college attainable for me, and that was a large factor in my college decision process.
What is your favorite thing/activity to do in Aberdeen?
I love going disc golfing at Melgaard Park!
What is your favorite place off-campus to hang out?
The Red Rooster is a great coffee shop and thrift store, and I spend many hours a week there working on homework and hanging out with friends!
My favorite thing about NSU is…
My favorite thing about NSU is the professors! They all put so much effort into helping us succeed as students, as professionals, and as well-rounded people.
Tell me about a cool opportunity you’ve had at NSU
One of the coolest things I've experienced at Northern was in my freshman biology class, where I discovered a new antibiotic underneath a tree by JFAC! I even got a certificate signed by Dr. Fauci for it!
I could not live without…
I could not live without music. I love listening to new things, and soundtracking my day with all sorts of genres. It's my biggest passion and I can talk about it for hours on end!
As a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
As a kid I wanted to be a marine biologist! I watched a lot of documentaries on dolphins and whales when I was growing up, so if you ever need a cool whale fact, let me know!