
Associate Professor of Biology
Coordinator of Student Research
Jewett Science Center 123
Ph.D. University of Southern Mississippi
M.S. University of North Dakota
B.S. University of North Dakota
Dr. Eric Pulis joined Northern's faculty in 2018. Originally from central Minnesota, he attended the University of North Dakota, where he received his B.S. in fisheries and wildlife biology and his M.S. in biology. Dr. Pulis earned his Ph.D. at the University of Southern Mississippi's Gulf Coast Research Laboratory in Coastal Sciences, where his research focused on the taxonomy and systematics of some parasitic flat worms found in fishes. He is currently the advisor for the NSU Environmental Club.
Research Interests
Dr. Pulis's primary research interests are in the ecology, evolution, and diversity of parasites of wildlife and fishes. A large part of the work he does involves describing new species and making phylogenetic hypotheses about the relationships among species using a combination of field, microscopy, and molecular methods. Dr. Pulis has also worked on the conservation and ecology of marine mammals and turtles.
Courses Taught
Invertebrate Zoology
Vertebrate Zoology
General Biology II
Senior Seminar
Environmental Biology Labratory
Survey of Biology Labratory
Selected Publications
Pulis, E.E., Wells, R.S., Schorr, G.S., Douglas, D.C., Samuelson, M.M., Solangi, M. 2018. "Movements and dive patterns of pygmy killer whales (Feresa attenuata) release in the Gulf of Mexico following rehabilitation." Aquatic Mammals 44 (5).
Pitchford, J.L., Garcia, M., Pulis, E.E., Ambert, A.M., Heaton, A.J., Solangi, M. 2018. "Gauging the influence of increased search effort on reporting rates of bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) strandings following the deepwater horizon oil spill." PloS One 13 (6), e0199214.
Heaton, A.J., Pulis, E.E., Pitchford, J.L., Hatchett, W.L., Carron, A.M., Solangi, M. 2016. "Prevalence and transience of ingested fishing hooks in Kemp’s Ridley sea turtles (Lepidochelys kempii)." Chelonian Conservation and Research. 15: 257-264.
Pitchford, J.L., Pulis, E.E., Evans, K., Shelley, J.K., Serafin, B.J.S., Solangi, M. 2016. "Seasonal bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) density estimates in the Mississippi Sound from 2011 – 2013." Southeastern Naturalist. 15: 188-206.
Kudlai, O., Pulis, E.E., Kostadinova, A., Tkach, V.V. 2016. "Neopsilotrema n. g. (Digenea: Psilostomidae) and three new species from ducks (Anseriformes: Anatidae) in North America and Europe." Systematic Parasitology. 93: 307-319.
Greiman, S.E., Tkach, V.V., Pulis, E.E., Fayton, T.J., Curran, S.S. 2014. "Large scale screening of digeneans for Neorickettsia endosymbionts using real-time PCR reveals new Neorickettsia genotypes, host associations and geographic records including first reports from Australia and China." PLOS ONE. 9:1-9.
Pulis, E.E., Curran, S.S., Andres, M.J., Overstreet, R.M. 2014. "Change in rank of Megaperidae (Trematoda) to Megaperinae within the Apocreadiidae and description of Haintestinum amplum n. g., n. sp." Parasitology International. 63:269-274.
Pulis, E.E., Overstreet, R.M. 2013. "Review of haploporid (Trematoda) genera with ornate muscularisation in the region of the oral sucker, including four new species and a new genus." Systematic Parasitology. 84: 167-191.
Pulis E.E., Tkach V.V., Newman R.A. 2011. "Helminth parasites of the wood frog, Lithobates sylvaticus, in prairie pothole wetlands of the northern Great Plains." Wetlands 31: 675-685.