Doctor of Education, School Administration, University of South Dakota
Master of Education, Valley City State University, Teaching English Learners
Bachelor of Arts, South Dakota State University, English & Spanish
Dr. Anna Schwan joined Northern’s faculty in 2018 after 16 years in public K-12 education, where she was a high school teacher and secondary school administrator. She currently serves as interim dean of the Millicent Atkins School of Education. Previously, she was department chair of teacher education and graduate faculty coordinator of the Educational Studies and Leadership and Administration programs.
Professional Work Experience
Middle school/high school principal
6-12 English as a second language teacher
7-12 language arts teacher
K-12 Spanish teacher
Research Interests
Student motivation
Teacher retention
Principal effectiveness
Teaching English learners
Francom, G., Schwan, A., & Nuatome, J. Comparing Google Classroom and D2L Brightspace using the technology acceptance model. (2021). TechTrends, 65. 111-119.
Schwan, A. (2021). Perceptions of student motivation and amotivation. The Clearing House Journal, 94(2). 76-82.
Schwan, A. (2020). Trilateral perceptions of the importance of instructional leadership behaviors. Mid-Western Educational Researcher, 32(2). 173-188.
Schwan, A., Wold, C., Neville, A., & Moon, A. (2020). Mentor and new teacher self-perceptions regarding the effectiveness of a statewide mentoring program. Critical Questions in Education, 11(3). 190-207.
Wold, C., Moon, A., Schwan, A., Neville, A., & Outka, Janeen. (In press). The importance of pairings in mentorship programs. Critical Questions in Education.