Travis Trentham
Lecturer of Mathematics
MeWaldt-Jensen 217
Ph.D. North Dakota State University
B.A. University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Dr. William Travis Trentham grew up in the foothills of Great Smoky Mountains National Park in eastern Tennessee. Dr. Trentham received his Ph.D. in mathematics from North Dakota State University. He began working at Northern in the fall of 2016.
Courses Taught
Math 101 Intermediate Algebra
Math 114 College Algebra
Math 120 Trigonometry
Math 123 Calculus 1
Math 125 Calculus 2
Math 216 Discrete Structures
Math 321 Differential Equations
Math 216 Discrete Structures
Math 351 Foundations of Mathematics
Math 412 Linear Algebra
Math 413 Abstract Algebra 1
Research Interests
Commutative algebra
Personal Interests
Playing poker, following the stock market, and traveling with family