- From a parent's standpoint, having a child who isn't at the top of the class is difficult. It was very nice to hear nothing but positive comments at the conference. That meant more than you know. Thanks.
- Can't say enough good things about this program! I only wish it was longer! Thanks for all you do! We are very appreciative of this program. It's been a great experience.
- We couldn't be happier with the program. Our boys enjoyed coming and we could tell in their reading. Thanks again!
- The reading clinic tutoring has really helped my child improve his reading, comprehension, and spelling. Thank you for providing this opportunity for my child. He has started to enjoy reading now.
- Excellent program! Worth every dime!
- Thank you for providing this service! I am so pleased with the progress my daughter made this year.
- We feel our daughter's reading ability has improved. She enjoys reading more than she ever has in the past. She seems to catch on to new spelling words faster than before. She really liked her reading tutor and her attitude about attending the sessions improved as the semester went on. Thank you Dr. Houge.
- She's seen so much improvement and enjoys reading on her own now. The clinic has given her more confidence! Thank you.
- This program has made a big difference in my daughter's reading and her confidence in reading. Not only did my husband and I notice a difference her teachers also noticed an improvement. Thank you for offering this service. My son has shown great improvement in his reading skills from this program. I would highly recommend this program to other parents with children who may not be reading at their age/grade level. He loved going to the program and has shown a drastic change and improvement in his interest levels with both reading and writing. Thank you very much for offering this reading clinic. This program has helped and continues to help my daughter with her reading. She is more confident and looks forward to seeing her tutor two times a week. I will be registering both of my girls next semester!
- I was more than pleased with the progress my child made in the reading clinic. I struggled with the school district to get help for him and the reading clinic pinpointed his area of need upon initial testing. He has gained confidence with his skills and his grades are improving. Thanks!
- This is a wonderful program. We are very thankful that our child was able to be part of it.
- I am so pleased with this program. The tools you have provide my daughter are so valuable. Lindsey is an excellent teacher and my daughter was excited to work with her. The notes I took at our parent conference were helpful tools for me too. Possibly a "parent tip sheet" at the end of this course would be an added asset. Thank you both!
- Brooke has really enjoyed the course and I can really see the change in her school work. Her spelling and sentence structure looks a lot better this year versus last year. She understands more what she is reading as well. My daughter really liked her tutor.She is reading better than ever now! First, I just wanted to say "Thank you." I have more gratitude than can be expressed in words for your program and the job that you all do in implementation and service. The program is phenomenal and unlike any other I've come across. I have two children who are currently enrolled. My son, a 6th grader, is in his 2nd semester and is currently performing at this grade level in all areas but spelling, and that has even improved!
- My daughter, in 5th grade, is beginning to progress, not quite as quickly due to her learning disability, but I have seen improvement in her reading. We will continue to work with her; however, we now have something we didn't have before: HOPE. Again, a thanks is not enough! But thank you!
- Thank you so much for getting our daughter into your program! She has truly enjoyed the reading program. I can't believe how much she has learned! We hope to see you next year in the spring or fall. Maybe both! You have done such a wonderful job with this program! Thanks again. We as parents have been very pleased with our children's progress so far. They have been participating in the program just a little more than 5-6 weeks and have accomplished more than we could have imagined in a very short period of time. The tutors Mary and Clarissa have been absolutely wonderful and my children love them. My daughter counts her tutor as one of her favorite teachers. Dr. Houge has developed a wonderful program full of purpose that really works! We as parents were really to the point of frustration and not knowing how to help our kids. Now we actually feel like we have done something for them that will help them for the rest of their lives. Thank you so much for the program and all that you do! Thank you so much for all of your help with our son during these past few months. He is a strong, confident reader and we know a great deal of it has to do with your program. Thank you so much. Without the opportunity for my child to have one-on-one tutoring with someone from the Reading Clinic, I do not feel he would be where he is at with reading. He struggled with classroom participation, reading and spelling, and has improved all around so much. Thank to NSU Reading Clinic. Thank you for your services! The tutor we had was excellent. She showed great concern and truly cared for our son. We really appreciate this program and will definitely be signing up for the spring session. The NSU Reading Clinic is very structured and well organized! We feel Dr. Houge and our son's reading tutor has been very informative as well! I am very pleased. Anna's reading has really improved. It has been a very positive experience for both Anna and I. She looks forward to her tutoring sessions and has a more positive attitude towards reading. She loves Breanne and already talks about how she is going to miss her.
- The reading clinic has significantly improved our child's reading and comprehension, as well as his confidence. Without this program, our child's future in school was looking painful - was painful - regardless of the efforts we'd currently been making. Thank you for your skills, compassion for reading, and compassion for the successfulness of your students (both the tutors and children like ours). Tutor was great and had a very positive attitude. My child looked forward to coming and learned a great deal! Thank you. We have been very pleased with NSU's Reading Clinic! We have see our son's reading improve and that helps his confidence level tremendously. Thank you for a great program! Thanks so much for getting our son into the program. I think his tutor has done a great job with him and handled his conference with great professionalism. She will make a wonderful teacher. Thanks Dr. Houge for offering this program for the children. Very beneficial!!! Your program is wonderful. My daughter has gained so much confidence in her reading ability. I just had parent/teacher conferences and her teacher said that her reading level has improved by 2 levels since September. I will recommend the reading clinic to anyone who needs it. Thank you for your caring attitude to the parents and students who attend the program. Dr. Houge, please continue the reading clinic for as long as possible. The techniques and strategies that you give your college students shine through when they teach in the reading clinic. Reading is so important and affects all areas of life. This clinic has instilled a love of reading that will hopefully last a lifetime for my daughter. I have heard so many positive comments about the reading clinic from other parents and teachers. Thank you for caring about every child who walks through your doors. My children have attended four sessions of the clinic and they learn helpful hints for better reading and writing. The clinic goes above and beyond what they can learn in their classrooms. Spelling has also become easier with the lessons learned at the clinic. Thanks.This is the 2nd year our son has attended the reading clinic. He enjoyed it so much last year he asked to attend again this year!
- We are so grateful to have the Reading Clinic at NSU as an option to jump start and develop our son's reading skills. During the Fall 2007 session, our son's skills were considerably behind grade level. During the Spring 2008 session he has progressed to reaching his own grade level. We still have work to do in order to master reading and become more secure in the skills he is learning, but overall his progress has been wonderful. I attribute the one-on-one tutoring to much of his success, as well as the fact that we brought him to the Reading Clinic as a first grader instead of waiting. Thank you for your dedicated service to my child and reading! She has really enjoyed the Clinic and her teacher. I think she has gained confidence in her reading and is reading a lot more on her own. Thanks!! Our son likes to read, but school was not challenging him, so he was bored and starting to act out. The reading clinic challenges him at his pace and he enjoys learning. We will be continuing with this program. Thank you. Our family very much appreciates the time and effort that this student took to assist our child. He was very comfortable and had a positive experience. Thank you.