The Terence Brown Tree Trail is one of the most beautiful educational resources on Northern's campus. This diverse wooded area provides shelter, shade and a unique educational opportunity for students and the community on tree species that thrive in and around the region.
The NSU Environmental Society and NSU CUEST Science Education Center dedicated this educational resource to the memory of Dr. Terence Brown, NSU president from 1982-1992. Dr. Brown's commitment to the beauty of the university campus and to the high quality of Northern's educational programs make this memorial especially appropriate. This original project was directed by Dr. Erika Tallman, but much of the research was accomplished through the hard work of Northern students - especially Gary Klatt, Martha Mehlhaff, and Deb Pfeifle, who helped develop the original trail and brochure. Special thanks are owed to Dave Mazzie, the district forester who verified the information included in the original brochure. A virtual version of the T.B. Tree Trail was created by Keith Wrage and the Plant Systematics class in the Fall of 1999. Many of the younger, more recently planted trees were donated by generous students, faculty and community members in April 1990 to commemorate the 20th anniversary of Earth Day.  Since the original trail was completed, several trees have been removed due to construction, disease or other factors. Northern faculty and staff have donated generously to replenish many trees lost to Dutch Elm disease.


Tree Trail Supporters
Northern is very grateful to the following individuals and organizations who generously donated trees for the NSU campus as part of the 1990 Earth Day celebration. Many of the donated trees have been included in the Terence Brown Tree Trail.

  • Dr. Clyde Arnold
  • Dr. and Mrs. Terence Brown
  • Dr. and Mrs. Tom Flickema
  • Dr. Sam Gingerich
  • Dr. Lynn Hodgson
  • Erin Holmes
  • NSU Bookstore and Employees
  • NSU Industrial Technologies Students
  • NSU School of Education Faculty
  • Parkview Nursery
  • Dr. Terry Richardson
  • Dennis Scott
  • Dr. Bob Sorge
  • Elizabeth Svensen
  • Drs. Dan and Erika Tallman
  • Dr. and Mrs. Tony Urbaniak
  • Arlene and Jennifer Wright
  • Beadle's Nursery
  • Circle K
  • Diane Francis
  • Lois Godfrey
  • The Hofer Family
  • Dr. Susan Landon-Arnold
  • NSU Environmental Society
  • NSU Math and Science Club
  • NSU Native American Students Association
  • George Prisbe
  • Dr. John Schenck
  • Lois Sollie
  • Dr. Robert and Susan Stahl
  • Dr. William Svensen
  • Jane Visto (in memory of Carol Ackerman)
  • Bill and Pat Wallish

A sugar maple tree was donated in 1997 by the NSU Fine Arts Faculty in remembrance of Erin Malone, daughter of Phil and Rebecca Mulvaney.

For more information, contact Dr. Jodie Ramsay at 605-626-3384 or For information on how to beautify your campus with trees, visit the Arbor Day Foundation.