Welcome to the Millicent Atkins School of Education at Northern State University. As a faculty member in the Teacher Education program, I am honored to now serve as dean. I truly believe that the College of Education at NSU is the best place to learn, teach, and work. I can’t wait for you to become part of our family.
Thinking about what to do and where to go after high school is an exciting and important time in your life, and I’m thrilled that you are considering Northern State University! Each of our programs in the School of Education has been designed to provide you with meaningful classroom experiences, internships, field experiences, and experiential learning opportunities that will help you meet your personal and professional goals. Our graduates go on to do great things, and we are so proud of the contributions they make around the world.
Choosing a career in education will empower you to make a significant impact in so many ways. Whether you decide to pursue opportunities as a teacher, school counselor, administrator leader, or a professional in sport sciences, we will give you the tools, preparation, and experiences necessary to be the best version of yourself. Our faculty and staff are deeply committed to your success as a student, and they genuinely care about you. The School of Education is a very special place where a culture of mutual respect has been established and the spirit of collaboration, service, exploration, and purpose unites our faculty and students.
As you consider NSU and make your final decisions about college, remember that students at Northern value the support they receive from faculty, the relationships they establish with their classmates, faculty, and staff, and the extensive opportunities to grow as an individual.
Northern is located on a beautiful campus with new facilities, including residence halls, the Jewett Science Education Center, soccer fields, and the Dacotah Bank Stadium. I hope you will come to visit the campus and visit with us and our students. You belong here. Go Wolves!
Millicent Atkins School of Education