If a scholarship application does not specify a mailing address for submission, please email completed applications to education@northern.edu. If you have questions, please call the School of Education at 605-626-2415 or stop by Gerber 115. For more scholarship opportunities, visit Outside Scholarships.

1901 Millicent Atkins Elementary Education Scholarship


Scholarship Terms (updated for fall 2025 students)


In 1901, Northern Normal and Industrial School opened, and for more than 120 years, Northern State University has prepared teachers to impact the world. The Millicent Atkins Scholarship Program will connect generations of future teachers as part of Northern’s 1901 Legacy.


All full-time students (including transfer and re-entry students) majoring in elementary education or early childhood education will receive a $1,901 scholarship. A student can receive this amount each year for up to 4 years. 


To maintain eligibility, recipients must have at least a 3.0 cumulative GPA at the end of each academic year. In addition to a Millicent Atkins Scholarship award, eligible students may also qualify to receive a WolfPACT Scholarship.

Daniel Wold Foundation Scholarship

Deadline: May 1, 2024

Summary: Applicant must be attending Northern, with preference given to students from Watford City, Ellendale or Carrington, N.D., or from Roncalli High School, Aberdeen, S.D.; preference also given to students majoring in school counseling, secondary education, elementary education or special education. Requires online application, essay, high school transcript with GPA and ACT score and a recommendation letter. One $1,000 scholarship.



Delta Kappa Gamma Scholarship

Deadline: May 1, 2024

The DKG scholarship is open to junior or senior education majors who have been accepted into an education program at Northern State University. Scholarships will be awarded for one school year, August-May. Two awards per year will be given. The maximum individual award is $1,000.

Application Instructions


S.D. Critical Teaching Needs Scholarship

Deadline: March 23, 2025

Summary: Applicant must be pursuing a degree in a critical needs field (see application), be a U.S. citizen with a 2.8 GPA and agree in writing to stay in South Dakota and teach in that field for five years. Requires application, essay, transcript (college and high school) and ACT score. Award amounts vary.



Scholarship Manager

Deadline: March 31, 2025

With this one application, you can apply for multiple scholarships within NSU's School of Education. Below is a list of scholarships included in this one application.


Aberdeen Area Retired Teachers Association Annual Scholarship

Summary: Applicant must be an elementary or secondary education major who has been admitted to the teacher education program and completed a minimum of 80 semester hours of coursework.


Bob Lehr Memorial Scholarship (Education)

Summary: Applicant must be a graduate student born and raised in South Dakota who is seeking a master’s degree in educational administration. Minimum GPA 3.0.


Clara Leap Graham Memorial Scholarship

Summary: Applicant must be a student seeking a master’s degree in guidance and counseling with a minimum GPA 3.0 in undergraduate program and/or the first year of master’s program.


Colleen Yunker Elementary Education Scholarship

Summary: Must be a second-year elementary education major. Minimum GPA 3.0.


Doreen Thomas Kayl Endowment Scholarship

Summary: Applicant must be a South Dakota female nontraditional student majoring in elementary education. Primary consideration given to a graduate of Deuel, Hand or Spink counties with secondary consideration given to a S.D. resident. Minimum GPA 3.0.


Dr. Wanda Coffield Hisel Memorial Scholarship

Summary: Applicant must have completed a minimum of 24 credit hours. Priority is given to students who attended high school in South Dakota. The award will be for teacher education only, and is not to replace a pre-existing academic award.


Durheim Special Education Endowed Scholarship

Summary: Applicant will have a declared special education major with preference given to applicants from the Ellendale, N.D., or Frederick, S.D., areas.


Glenna Schauer Fouberg Endowment Scholarship

Summary: Applicant must be a junior or senior majoring in secondary education with an interest in working with at-risk youth. Minimum GPA 2.5.


Janice Jirouch Counselor Education

Summary: Applicant must be pursuing a master's degree in counselor education.


Jason Lillebo Endowment Scholarship

Summary: Applicants must be men majoring in elementary education. Minimum GPA 3.5.


Patricia Venoy (Schumacher) Kurle Scholarship

Summary: Priority is given to juniors majoring in elementary education with a kindergarten endorsement. Minimum GPA 3.0.


Pettigrew Annual Scholarship

Summary: Applicant must be a junior or senior with a major in elementary or secondary education with an interest in working with students with disabilities; or a math or music major with an interest in teaching secondary or K-12 education.



Wishing for more scholarship opportunities? Contact us for details and explore more options at the link below.

All NSU Scholarships