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Pictured from left: Dr. Chad Gerber, Kyra Gardner, Brandon Bicek, Maddie Kovach, Cheayeon Kim, Anna Noeldner, Brock DeGroot, Austin Moser, Ryder Carey 


A group of Northern State University students got a first-hand Final Four experience in Minneapolis this month.

The NABC convention was held April 4-8 in conjunction with the NCAA Men’s Final Four. Northern students who attended along with Dr. Chad Gerber, NSU assistant professor of sport marketing and administration, said volunteering at a large-scale event like this was a wonderful experience.

“NABC was one of the best experiences I’ve had in my life!” said NSU student Ryder Carey. “I grew up being a huge sports fan and being at that convention was perfect.”

Carey said the student volunteers registered many big-time coaches and networked with volunteers who have helped with the NABC for years.

“By far the best part of the convention was getting to see all of those coaches that I grew up knowing from watching so much college basketball in my lifetime,” Carey said.

Student Brandon Bicek also said it was a wonderful experience.

“We were surrounded by some of the greatest coaches and players of all time. It was an honor working with the NABC, and if I could do it again, I would,” Bicek said. “I am very happy I got this opportunity to work this, because now I feel like it could really help me in the future, especially since I want to work with sports in the future.”

Student Cheayeon Kim called the experience unforgettable.

“I could feel the huge scale of college sports in the United States,” Kim said. “That was really impressive.”

Also, Kim added, “It was an opportunity to gain more confidence in my English. As an exchange student, I was very happy to have a chance to participate in this great experience.”

Student Anna Noeldner said the opportunity was very eye opening.

“I don't think many people realize everything that goes on in the background for major events,” Noeldner said. “This trip has pushed me beyond what I thought were my limits. It has helped me build leadership, social and teamwork skills from the start to the finish!”

From meeting Hall of Fame coaches to meeting current NBA and NCAA players, student Austin Moser said the experience was nothing short of amazing.

“My favorite part of the whole trip was meeting Roy Williams, head coach of the North Carolina Tar Heels, and getting to have a conversation with him,” Moser said. “It was also cool to see all the behind-the-scenes work while working the convention and knowing we all played a big part in the success of the event.”