Now if you earn NSU credit through HSDC, our Rising Scholars Program or E-Learning dual credit - and then attend Northern - you can earn scholarship money!
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Dual Credit Scholarship

  • You may qualify for a Northern dual credit scholarship of up to $1,000!
  • No need to apply - it's applied automatically if you qualify
  • You'll still be eligible for other scholarships, including Northern's WolfPACT!
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WolfPACT Scholarship

Northern's Dual Credit Scholarship

How Northern's Dual Credit Scholarship works:

  • There’s no need to apply! Any new freshman who took Northern HSDC courses in high school will automatically receive the scholarship when they enroll at Northern State University as a full-time, degree seeking student.
  • Students who took one to eight credits receive $500 ($250/year for two years).
  • Students who took nine or more credits will receive $1,000 ($500/year for two years).
    • Students must maintain a 3.0 GPA as an undergraduate student  to continue receiving the scholarship.
    • Credits must be successfully completed (a grade of “C” or higher) to be included in the student’s total NSU credit count.
  • Even better: This scholarship can be awarded on top of the WolfPACT, the largest guaranteed scholarship in the region!


Do you have any questions about the scholarship?

Contact Dual Credit