
ABERDEEN, S.D. — South Dakota Gov. Larry Rhoden visited Northern State University on Wednesday, March 19.

The governor heard facility project updates from President Neal Schnoor on Northern’s new Business and Health Innovation Center, which will house business and nursing programs, and the renovation of Gerber Hall for programs in the Millicent Atkins School of Education.

Gov. Rhoden toured the NSU E-Learning Center with Principal Mary Cundy and area legislators. He visited a teaching studio, interacted with a master teacher and a class of students, and learned about innovative distance education methods being implemented across the state.

During discussions at the NSU E-Learning Center, Vice President of Technology Dr. Debbi Bumpous discussed the upcoming transition from DDN Video to Zoom Rooms. This transition will allow the NSU E-Learning Center to continue offering high-quality, high-demand courses to partner districts beginning in fall 2025.

Gov. Rhoden then met with students and staff at the NSU Student Center to discuss higher education in South Dakota, the university's role in workforce development, and various campus and statewide initiatives.
