Book cover image and headshot of professor

ABERDEEN, S.D. – Northern State University Professor of Education Dr. Alan Neville has co-authored an educational assessment textbook that he will use in an NSU education course.

“Educational Assessment: Using Student Learning Objectives to Promote Student Growth” was published by Kendall Hunt Publishing Company. The textbook was co-authored by Dr. Janeen Outka, an adjunct instructor for Northern.

Neville will use the textbook for his EDER 415/515 Educational Assessment class at Northern this fall. The book is available for purchase at the NSU Wolf Shoppe on the lower level of the Student Center or via the Kendall Hunt website.

“Educational Assessment” provides educators with tools to implement Student Learning Objectives (SLOs), which go beyond assessing and documenting student growth. SLOs promote best practice in curriculum and standards alignment; data-driven decision making in planning, instructing and assessing students; educator knowledge and skill in meeting student needs; educator collaboration; and connections between teacher practice and student learning.

Both Neville and Outka were members of the South Dakota Commission on Teaching and Learning, the statewide group that developed and implemented the Student Learning Objectives model for the state of South Dakota.

Neville has served as the department coordinator and department chair for the teacher education programs in the NSU Millicent Atkins School of Education. He is an appointed member of the South Dakota Department of Education Mentor Development Team. He began his professional career as a music teacher and later, high school principal, and is also a veteran of the United States Army.

About Northern State University

Northern State University is a regional university that offers outstanding academics and exceptional extracurricular activities at an affordable price on a safe, welcoming campus. Northern State recently announced its Educational Impact Campaign, with a goal of raising $55 million for a new South Dakota School for the Blind and Visually Impaired, new athletic and recreation fields, and an on-campus regional sports complex. Once the campaign is complete, NSU will be the recipient of more than $100 million in privately funded building projects and scholarships within a decade. To learn more, visit NSU Admissions
