Pre-Chiropractic Program

As a chiropractor, you’ll provide treatment to get your patients back to full health and wellness. While pre-chiropractic is not a major itself, we’ll match you with a degree program and the necessary coursework required to prepare you for admission into a chiropractic school.


Pre-Veterinary Sciences Program

As a veterinarian, you’ll provide necessary treatment and care for animals, and be a resource of health and wellness knowledge for their human caretakers. While pre- veterinary science is not a major itself, we’ll match you with a degree program and the necessary coursework required to prepare you for admission into a school of veterinary science.


Pre-Occupational Therapy Program

As an occupational therapist, you’ll have the opportunity to work with a variety of patients, guiding them to develop skills that will enhance their lives and help them gain independence. While pre-occupational therapy is not a major itself, we’ll match you with a degree program and the necessary coursework required to prepare you for admission into a school of occupational therapy.