Add Thunder Bucks to your NSU ID card to conveniently pay for things you need at Northern!

Log in to access or reload your account:

Log In to Thunder Bucks


How do Thunder Bucks work?

Thunder Bucks allows you to deposit money to your NSU ID with no hidden fees! Funds are instantly available when you reload online.

  • Add money to your account using a credit card (minimum $10, maximum $100)
  • Save credit card information for later use
  • Allow anonymous/guest deposits
  • Allow parents (or anyone) to reload your card (they'll need to know your last name and student ID number)
  • Deactivate card if lost, reactivate if found


Where can I use Thunder Bucks?

  • Laundry in the residence halls
  • Pop/beverage machines across campus
  • Einstein’s in the Student Center
  • Dining Services in the Student Center
  • Grid Market in Great Plains East
  • Printing in Williams Library and Great Plains East


Login Assistance

Contact the Tech Support Desk at or 605-626-2283, stop by MeWaldt-Jensen 303, or submit a service ticket.


Locate your Student ID Number

Which student ID number to use:

  • Use the seven-digit number on the back of your NSU ID card.
  • If there's no number on the back of your NSU ID card, use the number on the front of the card. Do not include any letters.


Loading Thunder Bucks to Your ID Card

Load your card with Thunder Bucks online with eAccount. You can pay with Visa, Discover, or MasterCard ($10 minimum). 

The amount of funds loaded onto your ID is the amount you actually spend. Your balance carries over from semester to semester and year to year. At the end of your NSU experience, any remaining balance of $10 or more may be refunded. Amounts under $10 are not refundable, but may be spent out; see "Reimbursement" below.

Thunder Bucks is different from university meal plan flex dollars, as those dollars are strictly limited to use through Northern's dining services provider; do not carry over from year to year; and are nonrefundable.


Using Thunder Bucks

The amount of each purchase, including tax, will be deducted from the funds loaded on your card.  You agree to only use the card for purchases of goods and services, not to obtain cash from a merchant or the university. You may return purchases to merchant contingent upon their return policy for a refund allocated to your card.

You're responsible for monitoring your spending activity through the use of your MyNSU portal.  If you attempt to use your card when there are insufficient funds available, the transaction should not be approved. If such a transaction would be approved, causing your account to develop a negative amount, you agree to pay such amount promptly.

Keep the card in your possession at all times. Lending this card to anyone is a violation of student conduct policy. You may not permit anyone to use this card. 


Lost or Stolen Card

If your card is lost or stolen, you may immediately go to the eAccount Service page and place a freeze on your card to prevent the card from being used. Contact the NSU Card Services office at 605-626-2426 immediately and report your card as stolen. Card Services can issue a new ID for $15. For more information, visit Pack Pass.



All funds loaded through the Thunder Bucks program will be carried over from school term to school term. When you graduate from or end your studies at NSU, you may request a refund of remaining funds in writing with the Finance Office if you have a balance greater than $10. If you have less than $10 on your card, we will not issue a refund, but encourage you to spend the balance. Any refunds not requested for refund after 90 days from your termination of agreement will become the property of Northern State University.