Pre-Nursing Courses
Freshman Year - Semester 1 Prerequisites
ENGL 101 | English Composition I | 3 |
PSYC 101 | General Psychology | 3 |
MATH 103 | Mathematical Reasoning (or higher) | 3 |
IDL 190 | Freshman Seminar | 2 |
CHEM 106 | Chemistry Survey | 3 |
CHEM 106/L | Chemistry Survey Lab | 1 |
Freshman Year - Semester 2 Prerequisites
ENGL 201 | English Composition II | 3 |
CMST 101 | Foundation of Communication | 3 |
BIOL 220 | Anatomy & Physiology I | 3 |
BIOL 220L | Anatomy & Physiology I Lab | 1 |
SOC 100 | Intro to Sociology | 3 |
MICR 231 | General Microbiology | 3 |
MICR 231L | General Microbiology Lab | 1 |
Sophomore Year - Semester 3 Prerequisites
BIOL 230 | Anatomy & Physiology II | 3 |
BIOL 230L | Anatomy & Physiology II Lab | 1 |
BIOL 285 | Medical Terminology | 3 |
PSYC 221 | Lifespan Development | 3 |
BIOL 315 | Nutrition | 3 |
Elective Course | (encouraged during this semester) | 3 |
*Students interested in advancing their education and career nursing must apply to the major during this semester. Contact your advisor for more information on deadline application steps.
Nursing Core Courses
Sophomore Year - Semester 1 to Senior Year - Semester 5
Elective Courses | 6 | |
Fine Arts and Humanities | 6 |
*For more information or to discuss the proposed plan of study for the BSN Program, please contact the Department of Nursing at 605-626-7776.
Total Nursing Credits: 60
Total General Education and Prerequisite Credits: 60
Program Total: 120 credit hours