The Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) track at NSU offers two program pace options with admission occurring twice per year. Students can choose between a traditional-paced track or a continuous track that works particularly well for students who have already completed some of their prerequisite coursework and are looking to complete their nursing degree more quickly. Both options require completion of 120 total credit hours, divided between 60 credits of prerequisite and general coursework and 60 credit hours of nursing-specific coursework. Foundational courses are designed to build a strong academic foundation for success in the nursing major. The program delivers nursing education through both theoretical coursework and hands-on clinical experiences, with some theory content offered through Hyflex delivery combining face-to-face instruction with asynchronous and synchronous components. What sets our program apart is our commitment to current clinical practice - all faculty members remain active in various healthcare settings, complemented by additional clinical instruction from nurses currently working at the bedside. Additionally, our unique faculty-in-residence model not only provides support and assistance outside traditional hours but also helps build a strong sense of community among nursing students. Through this combination of current clinical expertise, enhanced faculty access, peer support, and state-of-the-art simulation facilities, our curriculum prepares graduates to meet the demands of today's healthcare environment.

Pre-Nursing Courses


Freshman Year - Semester 1 Prerequisites


ENGL 101English Composition I3
PSYC 101General Psychology3
MATH 103Mathematical Reasoning (or higher)3
IDL 190Freshman Seminar2
CHEM 106Chemistry Survey3
CHEM 106/LChemistry Survey Lab1




Freshman Year - Semester 2 Prerequisites


ENGL 201English Composition II3
CMST 101Foundation of Communication3
BIOL 220Anatomy & Physiology I3
BIOL 220LAnatomy & Physiology I Lab1
SOC 100Intro to Sociology3
MICR 231General Microbiology3
MICR 231LGeneral Microbiology Lab1




Sophomore Year - Semester 3 Prerequisites


BIOL 230Anatomy & Physiology II3
BIOL 230LAnatomy & Physiology II Lab1
BIOL 285Medical Terminology3
PSYC 221Lifespan Development3
BIOL 315Nutrition3
Elective Course(encouraged during this semester)3

*Students interested in advancing their education and career nursing must apply to the major during this semester. Contact your advisor for more information on deadline application steps.



Nursing Core Courses


Sophomore Year - Semester 1 to Senior Year - Semester 5


Elective Courses 6
Fine Arts and Humanities 6


*For more information or to discuss the proposed plan of study for the BSN Program, please contact the Department of Nursing at 605-626-7776.


Total Nursing Credits: 60

Total General Education and Prerequisite Credits: 60

Program Total: 120 credit hours