The core skills that employers demand all rest at the heart of the English major at NSU: new media literacy, novel & adaptive thinking, social intelligence, written communications, the ability to evaluate and filter information, sense-making & interpretive skill.
A degree in English gives you the skills to succeed in a variety of professional directions, including journalism, law, medicine, communications, promotional work, writing & editing, and management. An English major is a smart choice whether you are certain of your career path, or still unsure of your plans.
Not only does the English major at NSU allow you to dive into some of the most interesting literature written in English, our program is designed to help you plan your future by offering a career-oriented curriculum to suit your ambitions. All majors take core requirements in literature, creative writing, and writing in the professions. After that, students tailor their education to their own interests through electives and targeted minors.
Offered On Campus
120 Credit Hours
Estimated Time to Complete: Four Years
Sample Coursework
British Literature I & II
Young Adult Literature
American Literature I & II
Introduction to Creative Writing
Foundations in English: New Media
Period Survey
History of the English Language
Related Minors
Creative Writing
Professional and Media Writing
Literature and Critical Studies
Public Relations
Legal Studies
Digital Media
Similar Programs
Communication Studies
Global Language and Culture
Criminal Justice
Digital Media
Secondary Education
Emphasis Options
The English program offers professional experience through two publications. NSU's newspaper, The Exponent, boasts an in-print and online presence, supported by paid student reporters. Northern Lights arts and literature magazine is also completely student run, offering multiple credit-earning internships, from editor-in-chief to graphic designer.
Students in our program gain practical experience through a wide variety of internships depending on their interests. Placements have included The Aberdeen Magazine, the Indian Education Department, NSU's Tutoring Center, Aberdeen Community Theater, the public library, Senator Thune's Office, and Sun Publications.
Alumni Spotlight
Benn Tronnes
I practice law. As that simple sentence suggests, and as most lawyers will attest, the field is never mastered. There is one constant, however, and that is that I read and write every day. My goal when I write - not uncommon in any field - is to convince the reader of something. I just happen to be asking judges, some of the most brilliant legal minds in my community, to accept that I am right, and my opponent is wrong. This is not always an easy task, particularly when I am given poor facts to support my arguments.
My English degree at Northern State has continued to help me in two key areas: comprehension and clarity. I need to be able to read a legal opinion or a statute and quickly understand the law and apply it to my facts. Once I have my arguments and the law, I need to draft a brief that will convince a busy judge to read the whole thing, and then agree with me. Most judges won't waste their time trying to slog through a poorly written brief. I find the ability to get to the point quickly and make my arguments clearly has given me an edge on other litigants.