Art Scholarships
Incoming freshman, transfer, and returning students may submit a completed NSU Fine Arts Scholarship Application for a variety of art scholarships.
Sten Gustafsson Lions Club Scholarship
Generally, one $1,800 scholarship.
H.P. Gerber Memorial Scholarship
Summary: Visual arts major with preference to arts education major. Junior or senior with minimum 3.0 GPA. Generally, two $1,050 scholarships.
Matthew Klundt Art Scholarship
Summary: Candidate will be a junior or senior participant in the BFA in digital media program within the NSU School of Fine Arts. Generally, one $475 scholarship.
Phillip and Betty Barrager Memorial Scholarship
Summary: Discretionary scholarship support for art/design majors. Generally, one $235 scholarship.
Carpenter-Smith Memorial Scholarship
Summary: Incoming freshman majoring in fine arts or a deserving fine arts major with financial need to complete degree. Generally, one $200 scholarship.
Helen Dilley Barsalou Endowment Scholarship
Summary: Student will be a declared art major. Student will hold a major level GPA of 3.0. Generally, one $680 scholarship.
James L. and Edna Faye Lauver Art Scholarship
Summary: Student will be a declared art major; junior or senior; minimum 3.0 GPA with no failures. Generally, one $1,170 scholarship.
STRA Anonymous Scholarship
Summary: Student with skill and creativity in drawing, painting or photography. Generally, one $680 scholarship.
Benjamin Victor Visual Art Scholarship
Summary: Scholarship shall be awarded to a student majoring in the visual fine arts. Generally, one $1,200 scholarship.
Mike and Barbara Evans Fine Arts Scholarship
Summary: Discretionary scholarship support for Fine Arts majors. Generally, two $1,380 scholarships.
Friends of the Arts/NSU Art Scholarship
Summary: Discretionary scholarship support for art/design majors. Generally, 17 scholarships from $500-$1,000.
Theatre Scholarships
Richard F. Norquist Annual Scholarship
Summary: Preference to be given to a sophomore, junior or senior student majoring in musical theatre. Generally, one $515 scholarship.
Herschel & Bernice Premack Theater Scholarship Endowment
Summary: Student enrolled in theatre program; 3.0 GPA; nine hours of theater and one hour of production. Generally, one $480 scholarship.
NSU Drama Faculty, Alumni & Friends Scholarship
Summary: Discretionary scholarship support for Theatre majors. Generally, one $110 scholarship.
Music Scholarships
Friends of the Arts/NSU Music Scholarship
Summary: Discretionary scholarship support for music majors or non-music majors actively engaged in the music program. Generally, 10 scholarships in the range of $250-$4,000.
James and Jeanette Anderson Music Scholarship
Summary: Discretionary scholarship support for music majors; minimum 2.5 GPA. Generally, five scholarships in the range of $500-$850.
Berggren Scholarship
Summary: Discretionary scholarship support for music majors or non-music majors actively engaged in the music program. Generally, seven scholarships in the range of $1,000-$2,500.
Christopher Cassens Fine Arts Endowment
Summary: 1. All recipients will be either a freshman or sophomore majoring in fine arts. 2. Priority shall be given to a. theatre majors b. music majors. Generally, one $1,000 scholarship.
Nina Chilson Memorial Scholarship
Summary: Discretionary scholarship support for music majors or non-music majors actively engaged in the music program. Generally, one $900 scholarship.
Lester and Charlotte Clarke Fine Arts Endowment
Summary: 1. All recipients will qualify for the WolfPact Scholarship and be a fine arts major or minor. 2. Priority will be given to: a. Fine arts majors or incoming freshmen/transfer students participating in ensembles. b. Freshmen or upperclassmen. Generally, one $1,500 scholarship.
Leroy Hoffman Memorial Scholarship
Summary: Minimum award $300 to incoming freshmen music student. Generally, one $550 scholarship.
Inez Holden Estate Endowment
Summary: Discretionary scholarship support for music majors or non-music majors actively engaged in the music program. Generally, three scholarships from $500-$1,250.
M.E. and Ethel Hunstad Music Scholarship
Summary: Priority to 1) music major orchestra member - stringed instrument; 2) music major orchestra member; 3) music major. Generally, one $1,000 scholarship.
Charlie and Shawnee Jakober Fine Arts Scholarship
Summary: Discretionary scholarship support for music majors or non-music majors actively engaged in the music program. Generally, three scholarships in the range of $400-$1,500.
Katherine and Merritt Johnson Memorial Scholarship
Summary: Preference given to music students interested in piano. Generally, one $325 scholarship.
Violet Katz Memorial Scholarship
Summary: Discretionary scholarship support for music majors or non-music majors actively engaged in the music program. Generally, two scholarships in the range of $700-$1,200.
Esther Knudson Scholarship
Summary: Preferably a music student from Leola-Long Lake area. Generally, one $600 scholarship.
Marjorie E. Lowary Memorial Scholarship
Summary: music major, incoming freshman & transfer students with minimum 2.5 GPA. Generally, one $1,300 scholarship.
Harvey and Katherine Moen Band Scholarship
Summary: Freshman music major; Band participant. Generally, two 17 scholarships from $1,600-$2,000.
Clark Newman Music Scholarship
Summary: One student in financial need majoring in music. Generally, one $550 scholarship.
Richard Niebuhr and Craig Golz Music Scholarship
Summary: Sophomore, junior or senior with minimum 3.25 GPA; music major. Generally, five scholarships in the range of $500-$3,000.
Lucille Osterloh Memorial Scholarship
Summary: Discretionary scholarship support for music majors or non-music majors actively engaged in the music program. Generally, one $300 scholarship.
Alice M. Palmquist Memorial Scholarship
Summary: Priority of scholarship consideration: 1) music major, orchestra member, stringed instrument; 2) A student of a stringed instrument, performer in the orchestra; 3) music major. Generally, one $1,000 scholarship.
Clarke Clarinet/Theatre Endowment
Summary: 1. First priority shall be a clarinet student. Second priority shall be a student majoring in music or musical theatre. 2. Student must maintain a 2.5 cumulative GPA for consideration. Generally, one $1,950 scholarship.
Robert M. Patterson Scholarship
Summary: Preference as follows: 1. music major orchestra member - stringed instrument; 2. music major orchestra member; 3. music major. Generally, one $115 scholarship.
Harlan and Janice E. Peterson Scholarship
Summary: music major; minimum scholarship award shall be $500. Generally, two $750 scholarships.
Alex and Ellen Pond Memorial Music Scholarship
Summary: Minimum award of $500; junior or senior music major; 3.0 GPA; music programs. Generally, one $600 scholarship.
Herschel and Bea Premack Orchestra Scholarship
Summary: Scholarship awards shall be based on criteria established by the School of Fine Arts scholarship committee in conjunction with the orchestra conductor with all awards going to string players in the orchestra. Generally, one $2,000 scholarship.
Reinecke-Osterloh-Caro Music Scholarship
Summary: Music majors, minimum award amount of $500. Generally, three scholarships in the range of $300-$1,500.
Liane Dzau Shishnia Fine Arts Endowment
Summary: All recipients will be a fine arts major or minor; 2. Priority of consideration shall be given to: a. music majors or incoming freshmen and transfer students majoring in piano; b. music majors or incoming freshmen and transfer students with advanced piano skills and ability. Generally, one $1,450 scholarship.
Sally and Ka P. Squire Fine Arts Endowment
Summary: Discretionary scholarship support for music majors or non-music majors actively engaged in the music program. Generally, two $2,500 scholarships.
Betty J. Swanhorst Scholarship Endowment
Summary: 1. Recipients must be pursuing a degree in music or music education; 2. Preference will be given to students from the Faulkton area, with second preference given to students to northeastern South Dakota. If no students meet these criteria, then a student from South Dakota will be selected. Generally, one $60 scholarship.
Adele and Harley Taylor Scholarship Endowment
Summary: music major specializing in instrumental, vocal or teaching music with the fine arts area. First preference to graduates of high schools in the S.D. counties of Spink, Faulk, Edmunds, McPherson or Brown. Second preference to graduates of any South Dakota high school. Generally, one $1,400 scholarship.
Edward and Esther Zilliox Memorial Scholarship
Summary: Discretionary scholarship support for music majors or non-music majors actively engaged in the music program. Generally, one $1,900 scholarship.
Aberdeen University-Civic Symphony Scholarship
Summary: Discretionary scholarship support for music majors or non-music majors actively engaged in the Aberdeen University-Civic Symphony. Generally, two scholarships in the range of $450-$4,000.
George H. Bultema Scholarship
Summary: 1. Recipient shall be a student who is majoring in music with an emphasis in voice. 2. Student shall maintain a minimum of a 2.5 GPA. Each scholarship recipient shall be selected by Michael Skyles and Darci Bultema with the final approval of the dean of fine arts. (If there is no qualified recipient, the funds will be carried over until a qualified recipient can be identified). Generally, one $400 scholarship.
Charles and Wendy Gugel Scholarship
Summary: 1. Recipient shall be a student who is majoring in the music program; 2. Student shall maintain a minimum of a 2.5 GPA. Generally, one $500 scholarship.
Ronald Heyd Memorial Music Scholarship
Summary: 1. Recipient shall be a student who will be involved in the music program; 2. Student shall maintain a minimum of a 2.5 GPA. Generally, three scholarships in the range of $400-$750.
Allan Jacobson Annual Scholarship
Summary: Discretionary scholarship support for music majors. Generally, one $190 scholarship.
Alan and Kari LaFave Music Scholarship
Summary: Discretionary scholarship support for music majors or non-music majors actively engaged in the music program. Maintain minimum 2.5 GPA. Generally, one $480 scholarship.
Loren Lomis Memorial Scholarship
Summary: Full-time outstanding music majors; involvement in music ensembles a second priority. Generally, two scholarships in the range of $1,700-$2,500.
Marching Forward Marching Band Scholarship
Summary: Discretionary scholarship support for non-music majors participating in marching band. Generally, five scholarships in the range of $300-$500.
James and Melva McNeary Memorial Music Scholarship
Summary: Discretionary scholarship support for music majors or non-music majors actively engaged in the music program. Maintain minimum 2.5 GPA. Generally, one $950 scholarship.
Dr. Duane Niles Jr. Music Educator Scholarship
Summary: 1. Candidate must be pursuing a music education degree with an emphasis in instrumental music; 2. strong preference should be given to fourth- or fifth-year students; 3. scholarship award will be a maximum of $500 per year. Generally, one $500 scholarship.
NSU Music Faculty, Friends, Alumni Scholarship
Summary: Discretionary scholarship support for music majors or non-music majors actively engaged in the music program. Generally, six scholarships in the range of $250-$1,200.
Carlyle and (Rev.) Sheila Richards Annual Music Scholarship
Summary: Discretionary scholarship support for music majors. Generally, two scholarships in the range of $1,250-$1,500.
Linda (LaFave) Sandau Memorial Music Scholarship
Summary: Priority shall be given to a music major band member (saxophone preferred). To be chosen based upon audition and/or demonstrated excellence in the dept. The award will be for musical excellence only, not to replace any pre-existing award. Generally, one $950 scholarship.
Sweet Music Scholarship
Summary: Discretionary scholarship support for music majors or non-music majors actively engaged in the music program. Generally, three scholarships in the range of $600-$750.
Donna Walter Music Scholarship
Summary: Candidate should be a music major and resident of South Dakota. Generally, four scholarships in the range of $750-$1,500.
Wishing for more scholarship opportunities? Contact us for details and continue exploring options at the link below.