Sharing stories about our students, faculty and programs.

One of the responsibilities of Northern’s Communications and Marketing team is to present our story in ways that identify us as caring, welcoming and professional, and produce desired outcomes for stakeholders, including: increased enrollment, favorable reputation and financial support.

Northern's Brand

Northern State University

Incorporating an “N” into the institution mark, used in various instances by NSU for decades, shows a united front that highlights a mark that is widely recognized by the community, region and state. The other key element of our new mark includes “NORTHERN.” Since its founding in 1901, NSU has gone through four name changes, each of which have included "Northern," making the term a steadfast element for more than a century. Our use of the word Northern was solidified by the brand survey, which showed a high percentage of participants simply referring to the institution as Northern.


Branding Tools

Business Card Orders

Need assistance from Northern State University's Communications and Marketing department? All requests should be submitted through Northern's TeamDynamix Ticket System.



Review the official NSU colors in the brand guide.

Maroon​202​0 100 65 47​153 5 51​990033
Gold​121​0 8 69 0​255 204 102​FFCC66
​Beige​155​2 10 31 0​248 221 154​F8DD9A
​Creme​7499​1 1 14 0​255 255 205​FFFFCC
Email Signatures

Obtain your email signature by selecting one of the following:

Event Planning

The Communications and Marketing Department plays an important role in the planning and promotion of events and activities on campus. If your department or school is looking to host an event, please reach out to Kennedy Lorenz. We will set up an initial planning meeting and work through our event checklist.

Review the event planning services the Communications and Marketing team provides.


Illustrates and explains acceptable usage of NSU's key identity elements, including primary logos, lettermark, tagline, colors and more. Review Northern's design elements in the brand guide.


Need assistance from Northern State University's Communications and Marketing department? All requests should be submitted through Northern's TeamDynamix Ticket System.



The Northern State University Foundation has an agreement with CLC, the licensing division for Learfield IMG College, a trademark management company specializing in collegiate licensing and branding. CLC provides retailers and their vendors a formal process of submitting artwork for university approval. It also creates a structured payment of royalties from the use of NSU logos and designs. The NSU Foundation works with NSU Communications and Marketing to approve artwork and promote our brand to regional retailers.

Logos and Marks

Please consult our brand guide before using any Northern logos or marks.

Use of the officially trademarked Northern State University logos and marks are reserved for university operations, such as admissions, marketing and academic partnerships, university sponsored events, and through official agreements or licensing (NSU Foundation).

To request an officially trademarked Northern State University logo or mark, please email

Media Inquiries

If you receive a media inquiry, please reach out to us at 605-626-2046 or

Name Tag Orders

Need assistance from Northern State University's Communications and Marketing department? All requests should be submitted through Northern's TeamDynamix Ticket System.



Need assistance from Northern State University's Communications and Marketing department? All requests should be submitted through Northern's TeamDynamix Ticket System.


PowerPoint Templates

Right-click the link below and select "Save Link As ... "to download to your computer.

Print Materials

To view a list of design elements or samples of print materials, see our comprehensive brand guide. To request print materials, contact

Social Media

Tap into NSU's vibrant social community, listed in the Social Media Directory; and learn more in the brand guide. When posting, be sure to use Northern's hashtag, #NorthernStateU. Find more social media advice on our Social Media Tip Sheet.

Tablecloth Orders

Need assistance from Northern State University's Communications and Marketing department? All requests should be submitted through Northern's TeamDynamix Ticket System.


Northern State University

Our tagline captures common themes of the university: a momentous time for enrollments, scholarships and campus development (unleash); a diamond in the rough, undervalued institution (potential); and a caring, supportive environment with a strong community (pack).

Read more about our tagline and brand essence in our brand guide.


Consistent use of type gives a recognizable look to all communications materials. These fonts are flexible enough to work across all media.

  • Roboto family
  • Roboto Slab family

These fonts may not be available in all programs.

Preferred fonts can be found in our brand guide.


The Communications and Marketing Department can assist with promotional videos. Please email with the details of your request at least four weeks in advance.

Learn what makes a great video in our brand guide.

In addition, NSU Media Services offers limited video production services.


NSU communicates a consistent message using its Brand Voice and Writing Style Guide. Learn more in the brand guide.


Discover the four levels of Northern webpages in our brand guide.

Second-tier pages, or pages that are one click away from the homepage, aim to draw the user deeper into our website, where more information is hosted. This page layout is graphic-heavy, with numerous photos and calls to action, and little text. Examples include: Admissions and Academics.

Third-tier pages are found deeper within our website. This layout typically contains fewer graphics but more information. Text should still be concise, as users rarely read full paragraphs of information. Examples include: Records and Registration and Costs and Aid.

Fourth-tier pages are deep within our website. They rarely include graphics, but contain a large volume of information. These pages are usually designed for frequently asked questions and detailed instructions. An example would be Transcripts and Diplomas.

Brand Policy

The NSU Brand Policy is included in the list of NSU Policies and Procedures.


If you have any questions or feedback, please email

History of the Wolf

In the Feb. 3, 1923, edition of The Exponent, a contest was announced to identify a team name for Northern Athletics. No entries were received, but after two losses on the road, the basketball team voted to call themselves the Wolves -- and they won their next game, against Madison College. It wasn't until 1954 that the Exponent again announced a contest to formalize a mascot, and the NSU Art Department entered "Waldo the Wolf." Waldo made his first homecoming appearance in 1956.

Eventually, in 1993, the current mascot, "Thunder" was born. Then in May 1994, NSU announced a public contest to replace the logo rendering. Out of 65 entries, local artist Thomas Gross, a 1982 NSU grad, was selected as the winner.

In 2010 another Aberdeen artist, Josh Phillips, updated Gross’ design. Phillips’ design is now used across campus and was subject to an NSU trademark in 2020.

To learn more about current logo and graphics standards, read the NSU Brand Guide.

- Information from Ron Pollworth and Communications and Marketing