Northern has more than 40 recognized student organizations where you can explore your interests and build community. An important element in the college experience, student organizations help prepare you for the world after college -- providing the chance to forge social connections, develop and strengthen your skills, and grow as a leader.


Involvement in student organizations offers lasting friendships, unforgettable experiences, and memories lasting long past your time at Northern.


Student Organizations Hub

Recognized student organizations have access to the Student Organizations Hub to create, connect, and collaborate. The Hub is located on the second floor of the Student Center. Visit Student Affairs in Student Center 222 for more information or to reserve space for meetings.


Learn More

Want to learn more about Northern’s student organizations? Interested in starting an organization? Contact Student Affairs at 605-626-3007.





Student Government Association

Facebook link

The NSU Student Government Association (SGA) serves as the governing body/voice of the pack, representing all Northern students. Functions of SGA include overseeing the creation and recognition of all organizations, delegating General Activity Fee fund allocation on campus every spring, representing NSU at South Dakota Student Federation meetings, and serving as the bridge between the student body and the South Dakota regental system. SGA meets weekly during the academic year and welcomes all students, Northern employees, and community members to attend. For more information, stop by their office in the Hub on the second level of the Student Center, or visit their social media.


Campus Activities Board 

Facebook link

The Campus Activities Board (CAB) is a volunteer student organization that sponsors social, recreation and educational activities each year including live comedy shows, concerts, speakers and special events. Leadership is composed of an executive board and committee members. The executive board and committee meet weekly. For more information, stop by their office in the Hub on the second level of the Student Center, or visit their social media.


Homecoming Committee 

Facebook link

The Homecoming Committee provides opportunities for students to gain leadership experience, including helping to plan and host the annual Homecoming festivities. The Homecoming Committee is open to all students. Learn more Homecoming and the committee by stopping by their office in the Hub on the second level of the Student Center, or visit their social media.


Wolves for Advocacy, Volunteerism, and Engagement (WAVE)

WAVE members believe in servant leadership. As a group, we work to create opportunities to serve. Whether it’s a weekend opportunity like Pack Gives Back or traveling for a work project like alternative spring break - whatever you're planning, we can help make it happen. To learn more about WAVE stop by our office in the Hub on the second level of the Student Center, or visit our social media. 



Academic Organizations


Association for the Education of Young Children (AEYC)

The NSU Association for the Education of Young Children (AEYC) chapter serves to promote interest in early childhood education, provide educational activities and programs for the community and provide continuing educational opportunities for pre-service teachers. AEYC is open to all Northern students.


Phi Beta Lambda

Facebook link

Phi Beta Lambda is a nonprofit education association affiliated with Future Business Leaders of America. Our mission is to bring business and education together in a positive working relationship through innovative leadership and career development programs. NSU Phi Beta Lambda is open to all majors seeking any degree. Dues are $20 for the academic year.

NSU Phi Beta Lambda Business Snap: nsu.pbl


Council for Exceptional Children

The NSU Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) works to improve the educational success of children and youth with disabilities and/or gifts and talents through educational events on campus and in the community. CEC is open to all students with an interest in special education. Dues are collected annually for members who are interested in joining the national CEC group.


English Club

NSU's English Club provides a fun and relaxed group/environment where those interested in reading and writing as well as those interested in viewing films can meet and exchange ideas related to those interests. We encourage the expression of ideas through reading and writing. We also encourage community involvement. You do not need to be an English major or minor to be a member of the NSU English Club!


Honors Club

Facebook link

Members of the NSU Honors Program are part of the Honors Club, which meets monthly and hosts social events open to all Northern students. Activities and events include the annual Common Read Lecture, off-campus retreats, monthly social events such as movie nights, and ice cream and s'mores socials. Honors Club also organizes the student-faculty quiz bowl, international lunches, community service projects, advising/registration assistance and provides Honors students with opportunities for internships and networking. For more information, stop by the Honors office on the first floor (lower level) of the Student Center, across from the NSU Post Office.

Honors Program Requirements


Lambda Pi Eta

Facebook link

The purpose of the NSU chapter of Lambda Pi Eta is to promote and celebrate communication studies majors and give students out-of-the-classroom discussion and professional opportunities. Lambda Pi Eta is open to all communication studies majors and minors.


Pre-Health Club

Pre-Health Club hopes to better prepare members for professional school by helping to inform students about the various programs available and career opportunities within them. The club fosters a supportive environment in which students seeking to attend professional school in the sciences can come together to share advice and ideas. The club will also provide members with personal and academic growth opportunities through volunteering, fundraising, and lectures from local professionals.


Pre-Medical Society

Pre-Med Society hopes to better prepare members for professional school by helping to inform people about the medical field and career opportunities within it. The club fosters a supportive environment in which people seeking a career in medicine can come together to share advice and ideas. The club will also provide members with personal and academic growth opportunities through volunteering, fundraising, and lectures from other medical professionals.


Psychology Club

The Psychology Club is a place where students, regardless of major or background, can come together to learn about anything in the realm of psychology. From destressing events during finals week to being an advocate for mental health and the resources on campus, we are all about raising awareness and furthering our knowledge.


Sigma Tau Delta

NSU's Xi Gamma Chapter of Sigma Tau Delta, the International English Honor Society, recognizes achievement and academic excellence in English studies. The society promotes literature, language, and creative writing as well as community service events that help foster literacy. Members have access to scholarships, professional internships, presentation opportunities at national conferences, publishing opportunities, and networking opportunities. Sigma Tau Delta is open to all English majors or minors with a minimum overall GPA of 3.2 who have completed at least three semesters of undergraduate course work. For more information about joining the Xi Gamma Chapter, contact Dr. Elizabeth Haller at Information about Sigma Tau Delta can be found at


South Dakota Education Association-Student Program (SDEA-SP)

The SDEA/NEA Student Program will address the needs of today's diverse student population and facilitate student achievement by sharing ideal professional ethics and standards with pre-professional educators. SDEA-SP is open to all students. To learn more, visit


Speech and Debate Club

Facebook link

Northern offers forensic opportunities - including competition - on local, state and national levels in debate, extemporaneous speaking, oratory and oral interpretation. Students may gain experience in tournament administration and judging at Northern-sponsored high school forensic meets.


TRIO Scholar Association

Facebook link
Instagram link

The TRIO Scholar Association raises awareness on campus for first-generation college students and other underrepresented groups. Members inform the TRIO SSS program on services to offer NSU TRIO scholars, which include service learning opportunities, cultural enrichment activities, graduate school visits, NSU Wolf Talks, and other educational and social event programming. Many TRIO Scholar Association events are open to all Northern students, while others are limited to those who have been admitted as NSU TRIO scholars.



Special Interest Organizations



Active Minds has been established to increase awareness of Northern students, faculty and staff of the following: 
  • Issues surrounding mental health
  • Symptoms related to mental health disorders
  • Mental health resources available both on campus and in the surrounding community 
We aim to:
  • Reduce stigma toward people living with mental illness so that students will feel more comfortable seeking help when it is needed and openly discussing mental health-related issues
  • Promote a general awareness of comprehensive self health by emphasizing techniques that care for the body as well as the mind
  • Provide students with easy access to information about eating disorders, depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, post traumatic stress disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, sleep disorders, stress management, and more
  • Serve as a liaison between students and the mental health community by hosting guest speakers, providing informational fact sheets, organizing fundraisers, maintaining a comprehensive website, and organizing other events designed to reduce stigma and raise awareness


Facebook link

AWAREwolves is a data-driven health and wellness group on campus that promotes prevention and healthy living habits for NSU students and faculty. AWAREwolves is open to all students! For more information, stop by their office in the Hub, second level of the Student Center.


College Republicans

Facebook link

NSU College Republicans is an official wing of the Republican Party dedicated to spreading the ideas and values of the party. The club serves as a great place to meet like-minded students who you can openly share your beliefs with without the usual blowback. 


Environmental Club

Instagram link

The NSU Environmental Club's mission is to promote environmental awareness, stewardship and sustainability on campus and in the community. They also work to promote fellowship and lifelong environmentally friendly habits and skills. Environmental Club is open to all students and holds meetings bi-weekly!


Northern Lights

Northern Lights is Northern State University's artistic e-zine, where anyone can submit stories, poems, essays, musical pieces, videos, short films, pictures, paintings, drawings, etc.  A magazine is published in print and later online annually during the spring semester by Northern students. Northern Lights gives all students a place where their voices can be heard. Contact Northern Lights with any questions or submissions at and they will gladly answer questions or receive any submissions.


Student Athlete Advisory Committee

The purpose of NSU Student Athlete Advisory Committee (SAAC) is to support and enhance the experience of student-athletes by providing opportunities to contribute within the community, protect student-athlete welfare and promote a positive student-athlete image. SAAC also serves to represent and articulate the broad and diverse interests, opinions and concerns of student-athletes to athletic department administrators. SAAC is open to all NSU athletes with a GPA of 2.0 or higher who are in good standing with their team and the athletic department.


Student Publications: The Exponent 

Facebook link

The Exponent serves the university and surrounding community by providing reliable and relevant reporting of news, art and culture of interest to the students, faculty and staff of NSU and provide real-world experience for students interested in pursuing a career in any area of english and/or mass communications. Published in print and online, The Exponent offers more information and access to previous issues. 


Cultural and Ethnic Organizations


Asian Student Association

ASA fosters closer relationships among U.S. and international students interested in learning about different Asian cultures. This club helps provide opportunities for all students to learn about different Asian cultural traditions, festivals, foods, dancing, languages and arts. ASA promotes and cherishes diversity by organizing fun events such as the Mid-Autumn Festival, Chuseok, the Lunar New Year holiday, and more! Association membership is open to all students.


German Club  

German Club gives students a chance to enjoy German culture, language and heritage. Even if you can't say anything beyond "Gesundheit," you are welcome to join the German Club! Lots of students from the region have German ancestry, and enjoying that - especially the food - is a big part of our mission! German Club holds their weekly Stammtisch every Wednesday at noon in the Student Center.


International Student Organization

Facebook link

The ISO fosters community, friendship and cultural awareness by offering opportunities for all students to meet and learn about each other - their backgrounds, cultures, and countries. The organization helps with the planning of Culturefest, International Golden Globes Awards, the homecoming parade international entry and other cultural events and activities. Membership is open to all students interested in learning more about the world and making lasting friendships.


Native American Student Association

Facebook link

The NSU Native American Student Association's (NASA) mission is to assist with activities intended to meet the social, educational and cultural needs of Native Americans attending Northern. The club promotes sharing of cultural and educational information with Northern and the community of Aberdeen, with the goal of open and positive communications. NASA is open to all students who are interested in being a part of the organizations and respect the diversity of all people.



Fine Arts Organizations


National Association for Music Education (NAfME)

Facebook link

Instagram link

The purpose of NSU NAfME Collegiate Chapter 506 is to improve and support the academic and social environment for future music educators and music education in the area, region and state through community outreach and welcoming music educators and students to our campus. NSU NAfME is open to all students, regardless of major, with a passion for music and desire to further the music education program at Northern. Dues are collected annually. For more information, please contact Terry Beckler or visit National Collegiate NAfME.



Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia

The Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia fraternity aims to develop the best and truest fraternal spirit, mutual welfare and brotherhood of musical students, advancement of music in America and loyalty to the alma mater. Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia is open to all male students with a love for music. Dues for membership are collected each semester. For more information, visit Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia.



Masquers is Northern’s student-led theatre organization focused on creating a community interested in theatre. We provide theatre opportunities, such as conference trips, workshops, and visits to off-campus productions, to all students - you don't have to be a fine arts major! We also produce student-led performance projects and play readings to allow students first-hand experiences in theatre production. Masquers also hosts social events and game nights to foster our theatre community on campus.


Sigma Alpha Iota

Sigma Alpha Iota (SAI) is an international music fraternity, whose mission is to encourage, nurture and support the art of music. The chapter's purpose is to uphold the highest standards of music, and to further the development of music in America and around the world. Sigma Alpha Iota strives to give inspiration and encouragement through music. SAI is open to all female students with a sincere interest in music.


Membership requirements: sincere interest in music, 2.5 G.P.A., annual payment of dues, pledging and initiation to the organization. SAI hosts recitals and other performances throughout the community and engage in service projects such as music mentoring and various fundraisers to aid music programs."



Faith-Based Organizations


Campus Crusade for Christ (Cru)

NSU's Campus Crusade for Christ (Cru) works to create a movement of students who have a life-changing walk with Christ and cultivate authentic relationships in NSU's community. Cru hosts weekly meetings and Bible studies. Cru is open to all students, regardless of religion. For more information, check out the Cru website.


Northern LuMin

Facebook link

As the local Lutheran Campus Ministry we are grounded in Christ, living into our identity as children of God through hospitality, service, justice, integrity, and curiosity. Whoever you are, and wherever you are on your faith journey, we invite you to walk with us.


Intervarsity Christian Fellowship

Facebook link

NSU Intervarsity Christian Fellowship's purpose is to establish and advance at colleges and universities witnessing communities of students and faculty who follow Jesus as Savior and Lord; growing in love for God, God's Word, God's people of every ethnicity and culture and God's purpose in the world. Intervarsity Christian Fellowship is open to all students. 

Intervarsity South Dakota Website


Newman Club

Facebook link

We invite all students, faculty and staff to all our events and activities. We also encourage all students to make use of the Newman Center (located across the street from Kramer Hall). We have a great chapel, a library with two computers (with internet), several study areas, and an atrium in the center of our building with a garden. Newman Club fosters spiritual growth and religious education through community involvement, worship, social awareness and recreation. Our ministry and activities are based on Catholic traditions, but we desire to support and include all Northern students, faculty and staff. Newman Club holds monthly meetings on Sundays at the Newman Center.