Northern's STEM kits are an experiment in a box!
Northern is pleased to support science teachers in third- through fifth-grade classrooms through Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) kits! Kits are currently available to check out to teachers in Brown, Day, Edmunds, Faulk, Marshall, McPherson, Roberts, and Spink counties.
What's in a STEM Kit?
Kits are boxed and contain everything a teacher needs to perform an experiment. Each kit is intended to offer one to three days’ worth of content and most will be targeted to a specific science standard.
Kit Topics
- Soldering
- Plant Studies
- Cells Lab
- Water Analysis
- Flashlights
- Solar Energy
- Bristle Bots
- Rock Identification
Kit Contents
- Experiment supplies
- Experiment procedures
- Instructional PowerPoint presentation
- Teacher resources
Check Out a Kit
Teachers may check out kits during the school year. Kits are subject to availability, and must be returned at the activity's conclusion - typically within 1-3 weeks, depending on the kit.
Fill out this form to request a kit:
Information and Assistance
For more information, please email